How is everyone doing? Been checked out for a while and wanted to drop in and see how thing were progressing. Hope you all are doing well!
If you remember I had a early res and order which was placed. I then asked for it to be put on hold till non FS was available. I went months with no...
Nice. Hope all goes well.
Cannot let the wifey see this though. She would have me changing colors for every different holiday.
Bruce, get the red panels off! Christmas has been over for months. Get the St Patty green panels from the shed!
Bummer. Sorry to hear. No smoke or confetti, no sign and CT lightshow, but at least they threw in some panel gaps.
Glad your enjoying the drive though.
In 2019 Robo taxi fleet seemed like it would be a reality by 2025. Elon and Tesla laid out the vision of all FSD vehicles could be used in the fleet by opting in. Elon showed a possible income per vehicle of 35k a year. I ordered 4 CT's so that when I retired in December of 2024 I could start...