I'd envisioned mounting on the roof rack, but this is much easier and thief/vandal proof. No lack of room on the dash, lol.
Great for having connectivity at a campsite, and then bringing it with as you explore remote locations.
The fixed mounting will not be ideally placed to connect to...
The image on the left is Brad Sloans image from today, and to the right is the typical
Maybe the white trim is protection.. I don't think it's glare or the angle. I've seen all angles before, but the white is very prominent.
BTW, note the glass on the roof...
Heads up to those interested, we have a drone operator who has thus far posted 3 video fly overs, with narration.
We may not have the sail pillars, but all doors seem to have heaps of storage. Possibly 2 storage compartments in each door
The bottom opening is obvious, but I think the grey trim on top of the white panel is hinged.
I am not sure what other places do, but in New South Wales Australia, they seem to have nipped the problem in the bud.