Makes me wonder if it was indeed a Toyota Tundra as mentioned on an earlier post, or something lighter because the speed and mass would determine much of the resulting damage.
Nice. Willing to bet there are folks on here would Pay to have a setup made...
BTW what about mounted Inside the bed, and roll the tonneau open during usage?🤔🤔🤔
Hour one reservation, Beast configured 12/26/23.
My only comforting hope in this waiting scenario is that they are taking their time releasing Beasts in quantity until they are sure 4680 battery availability as well as performance, plus the several other niggling concerns with earlier...
If they could make that inflator hose with a QD on one end to connect directly into the CT's onboard air compressor for the suspension I would certainly buy one.
As kids we used dish soap to squeeze new rubber handles onto the ends of our bike handlebars. But it was thinned out with water so no slippage when dry. I wonder what soap Tesla used and was it thin enoughso the pedal would not let go after drying?
Teens were little kids not long ago.
So although their bodies are growing, their little minds are still catching up.
Right now they’re stuck in a transition zone.
They’ll grow out of it but meanwhile, as American philosopher Henry David Thoreau once said, “Little things affect little minds.“
My garage is 21’4” long although just 19’6” wide. Width should be enough including wife’s Model Y, although she’s gonna need to park a bit closer to her side than she does now (we have 2 Y’s at the moment). We shall see - if I Ever get my Beast VIN…
I wish Tesla would simplify this for us customers by precisely stating just exactly what equipment we should Already Have (plus what we would Not Need) in order to maximize the value of my $4000 Powershare install credit (I ordered the Beast). Especially since I have planned to go full...
This is a perfect example of, “It's better to ask forgiveness than permission”…although based on Tesla’s response it appears it may not prove useful in this case, as Tesla proactively took initial steps just from OP’s apparent Intention to sell, with an incoming contractually-promised lawsuit...
Meant in the most respectful and trying-to-be-helpful way, but:
You would not need to be explaining as you do above, if you just amended your title to delete the non-influencer aspect of your acquisition to make it appear less click-bait-ish. Just a friendly suggestion. 🫡