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  1. jcryer3

    Portable range extender -- dream accessory

    A small RV setup that could charge the Cybertruck would be awesome. The amount of solar collectors would be very large. Also having a connection from the RV to the Cybertruck when the RV is connected to power so it could also charge the truck. The volume of Cybertrucks could reach a point...
  2. jcryer3

    Tesla changed the Powershare benefit for FS CT orders - from $4000 credit to $2500 voucher

    I signed up for the PowerShare. The way I read it is that we have to pay for it through a certified Tesla installer. The $2500 credit seems to apply to accessories. Anybody else trying to decide how to proceed? i am trying to decide do I invest in a powerwall. I do not have a generator, and...
