It does this every single time when driving on a freeway service/frontage road with double yellow lines. It thinks the street is 1 way like many other service roads. The screen would also show double yellow line, but FSD just ignores it.
Check on Google Maps to see if there isn't any road mistakenly marked as public or connecting. I've moved several business's locations slightly to the correct roads.
Left turn still hits the center divider curb. Still can't recognize 2 way street on service/frontage road next to the freeway. Other than that, it's great.
It's the "compressor rattling against bracket." I reproduced it to a tech today in a ride along, he fixed it in 10 minutes by inserting insulations "removed and insulated bracket". He said one has to be able to reproduce it in order for them to fix it even though he knew what the issue was when...
Why isn't there a minimize lane change button? My loaner S had a lot more options.
We're also lacking moving chair forward/backward buttons on the screen too?
I'm surprised you got the 3rd visit fix. They just keep saying cover isn't waterproof.
I've got the slat added, I think there's still a bit of leak. Need to check after a storm.
For those who are trying to get the slat added, make sure you show the service rep the Tesla service bulletin. He...
I think it has trouble driving on rural roads. Our service road is 2 way, it always drives on the wrong side (left lane) unless there's a oncoming car in that lane, ignoring the yellow lines. It's also super slow on unmarked lanes. I don't think Tesla is actively training it on rural unmarked roads.