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  1. Headlight visibility recall for snow / ice issues?

    A LED doesn't make heat, ICE or EV.
  2. Any regrets after buying Cybertruck?

    No regrets. Also, overall feedback around me has been enjoyable - kids love it - you'll get a couple of idiots of course, but those people don't bother me, and they're window warriors.
  3. Has anyone found a way to communicate with Tesla about the need for a new service location?

    Agreed..... you need a certain quantity to justify having a building and staff with those costs.
  4. Is Cybertruck demand dwindling?

    The 40k truck had 16% of the reservations.
  5. Is Cybertruck demand dwindling?

    Lots of nonissues. For instance, Canada needed approval by regulators in Canada. It wasn't a demand lever.
  6. Is Cybertruck demand dwindling?

    The best selling EV truck combined at the foundation series has a demand problem ? It did better than they expected I'll bet.
  7. Crazy Cybertruck delivery event in Canada (BC) - Video

    Ok that's what I thought you meant to say.
  8. Is Cybertruck demand dwindling?

    Piling up for their delivery to customers. Let's not forget that Tesla ideally wants about 2 weeks from order to delivery. I'd say at present build rate suits orders well.
  9. Is Cybertruck demand dwindling?

    2.5 % converted to a Foundation Series that was much more expensive. Not bad.
  10. My cybertruck delivered next week in Vancouver !

    I just preferred Richmond due to YVR proximity. I'm not wrapping.
  11. Frozen snow / ice blocked my headlights last night

    Ditto. Jeep. Mustang. Tempo. Intrepid.
