When i open the door the screen was blank and wouldnt turn on. Ac was running and head lights came on. Had to do a reset.
requested service. Has anyone else done with this problem? This is the first time it happened.
If the trade-in value is close to the purchase value and use it for business, you can write off the depreciation on your taxes and get a newer CT with less known issues than the original CT's had and get wheel covers
More then pissed about being a early supporter thinking i got a limited edition just to be told i got suckered into oaying top dollar. Got the voucher but cant find enough in stock item in the store to use it or lose it. They wount allow the vocher to be broken up into smaller vocher.
I'm also getting the wiper issue.
Having trouble understanding the offset, I just want to go up to 10 miles over the speed limit and the offset doesn't seem the matter of 10 30 or 40%. I can't get it to understand my goals.
I got it today. I noticed right away that the wipers come on for no reason. Even if I have it turned off it will go back to Auto. Anybody else having this issue?
Has anybody figured out how to decrease the speed on FSD mode. I know the accerator increases it and the brake disengage it . The scroll wheel doesn't affect it.
I got the Foundation early as it wasn't a financial issue for me. That being said the earlier versions of foundations had a few issues that are being fixed or have already been fixed as Elon fixes and upgrades daily.
Like yourself, I expected to have the vehicle around 50 K in and up paying...
I am running my house off the 240 in the truck to the generator input point the same way I would plug a generator into the house. It is currently working
I have the 240 outlet plug into my panel box by the generator 50amp plug point.
I noticed on the T-Mobile app it says 12 hours in the control section. Does this mean I have 12 hours of power remaining? The cyber truck is at 100% charge. Or does the 12 hours mean that it will turn off in 12...
Contact customer service cancel your order and they will give you a new voucher.
The hard part is the voucher is only good for one year and I can't find anything on the shop to buy as it has to be a single one time use . As they use it or lose it situation
When you take it into the service center, they are going to replace your back glass because this is a known issue as the foam has been replaced with a rubber seal that is built into the glass. This is going to expose the unpainted surface on the back of your cab. I would ask the service center...