i still got the email for wheel covers on my truck i sold back in September... I also got one months after for one i sold i may.... I bet you get the email, but install is tied to the truck. as for peoples values remember carvana etc are dealers, they want to make 10k and will post those...
I just talked to Tesla, I have a beast and who knows when if ever i'll get the light bar. Being they are nearly $3000 for the light bar and install, I asked if I could just get the free supercharging instead.... she asked "someone" but they said no. BUT maybe if LOTS of us ask (via phone...
true, but look at costs, covid changed all that. Everyone wants more to work, even if you can get people to work. When housing and materials went up during covid, they stayed there. Nobody wanted to come back down, Wages, Sales, etc etc. So Covid is what made the trucks take so long to...
It may have been me..... I tried to trade in my awd towards a beast. they said they aren't taking ct's as trades currently..... So, I sold it for $95k pretty easily..
I didn't even know they removed the $4k credit but left the price the same on the beast... I bought a truck early (march) then placed a new order for a beast in Aug.... they should have made that clear, there was no "credit" on the new order as my previous orders showed it as part of the beast...
Well guys, Im back... after lots of paranoia, I ordered every plug adapter for my charger I could get, I found an RV partk 1/2 way that charges $10 for 2hrs of charging....... It wasn't needed..
On the way there from Flagstaff to Kingman, I tested my adapter at a 350kw charger in Williams, It...
I also see that it's more of the way home that i need to worry about... if this adapter doesn't work, i'll see if i can get one that does shipped to the VRBO in Havasu..
I purchased this specific one on amazon, it said Cybertruck, but after emailing them they said it would not work. Its being delivered today, so maybe it does work???? that would help a whole lot!
I may just be paranoid, Ive taken my trucks on lots of trips but first time this far with a trailer... Trailer is light and only has 2 jetskis on it. not a big wind sail. I've done a 160 mile test run with it and was getting about 2mi/1% of charge. Not bad honestly. We are taking a trip...
I feel for ya, ive had 3 ct's already.... my current beast I placed a new order about 6 weeks ago, I kept changing the color from white to gray once a week, then 1 day about 2 weeks ago, I changed back to white and then again to gray, boom 3 minutes i had a VIN and picked up in 3 days..
Im on the same software.... my awd got the FSD update a couple days ago, but the beast i just picked up just over a week ago and i keep trying to "trick" it into updating by connecting and disconnecting wifi etc. but nothing yet.
just picked up mine about 10 days ago, same, even on my AWD i can see "foundation" much better than i can see it on the beast and the beast emblem is almost impossible to see. BUT I kinda like it hidden.......
same, my awd got it 2 days ago but I sold the truck yesterday so i only got 1 drive with it... it's great! I just want autopilot for the highway, I have a 2500mile trip friday, i'd like to get it by then fingers crossed
Same here, so i just took out a loan on the beast and im selling the awd myself. No place wants to give anything for an awd currently, online offers aren't happening they say I need to take it in. I may have mine sold today. (trading for some seadoos and cash).