Stiff yes. But it's ROCK HARD under acceleration. Just the front. Like you are hitting a curb with even the smallest bump. It has to be something with the dynamic roll control or suspension or whatever in the front. It's not tuned correctly. I just haven't gotten around to opening a ticket since...
Definitely a bug acknowledged by Tesla and confirmed that a fix is on the way. Those explaining that this is "normal behavior" don't know what they are talking about.
Good news is that a fix is coming.
Agree with everything you said. I was implying that you have the TC BL compressor and could do an apples to apples test from 12 PSI to 50 PSI to compare with Rednave's video.
I don't know enough about this to comment on it intelligently but I do know for certain that you can't take the stated flow rate and just divide it out. The stated flow rate is usually at 0 PSI. So you can't really calculate the CT compressor flow rate based on Rednave's video. Easy enough for...
Do they mention CFM or something like that for the compressor? I bought it, instantly regretted it and tried to cancel on the mobile app but couldn't figure it out, and then it shipped. I saw on the web version of the tesla shop where I could cancel afterwards.
IF this thing can do a higher...
It's only winter where it sucks and matters. It works fine in the rain. If you are in a cold climate with salt on the roads it doesn't work well at all. It suckx.
Overall the suspension and ride of the CT is better than the R1T Gen 1. The only issue I have with the CT suspension is under acceleration. And the R1T was very comfortable except in sport on low. Otherwise a great riding truck.
Here's the thread I started so we can keep this one on topic...
I've tried every height, in every mode. No matter what I do, it's the same. Every bump feels like a curb in the front under acceleration. And I'm not talking WOT. Any moderate acceleration. I started a thread a while ago to discuss and basically confirmed with other owners there is a problem...
Sold the Rivian after I got the Beast. It’s a common problem for at least the beast to stiffen up the active dampening in the front under acceleration. It’s making it super rock hard that turns a small bump into the feeling of hitting a curb.
I’ll fix my profile.