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  1. Pops

    should I wrap my cybertruck to avoid rust?

    You naked guys can mock the "finger prints" issue all you like. I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that wrapped/PPF is better experience than naked. When my CT was naked I was dealing with (you can check my post history to confirm my complaints): Finger prints Bird droppings leaving...
  2. Pops

    should I wrap my cybertruck to avoid rust?

    Professional wraps cost between $4k-$7k. I recommend PPF over a wrap, it will last 2x as long. You can do it DIY for <$2k. I did mine with @TWRAPS you can see more details in my post. It only took around 8 hours of work and came out flawless...
  3. Pops

    should I wrap my cybertruck to avoid rust?

    I recommend to wrap it regardless. The experience is much better. Its easier to keep clean, no finger prints and bird dropping do not oxidize the metal. I do not have experience with road salt, but I will say most wraps will not cover 100% of the metal and it will still come into contact with...
  4. Pops

    Has anyone installed a Breezer rear window yet?

    There are all sorts of reasons why doors cant open or certain windows cant be accessed in a accident. It could be water, a tree in the way, a collapsed roof, the vehicle against a wall, or a million other things. The nearest window/door is always going to be the most likely accessible exit...
  5. Pops

    Tonneau cover gap issue fixed by Service Center under warranty

    Yes 1 day, it was one of a few issues/recalls and they did them all at once. Its not water proof, but its a lot better than before.
  6. Pops

    False forward collision warnings

    The rating is always based on medium, regardless of your settings. Its stated somewhere in the agreement. Its very sensitive and has a big impact on your premium, that is why I dropped Tesla insurance.
  7. Pops

    Turn off FSD Camera?

    FYI This has been patched and no longer works. When the camera is blocked FSD will disengage. I tested it yesterday, latest version.
  8. Pops

    Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    As much as I would love to be impressed with the CT being bomb proof, from what I have seen this guy created more of a fire bomb than a strong blast bomb. It looks like a bunch of loosely packed fire accelerants and firecrackers. Hopefully its really hot wherever he is now.
  9. Pops

    Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS]

    I don't know what happened in this situation, but a common cause of "spontaneous" fires are oily rags. From AI " Oily rags can spontaneously combust when the oil on the rag reacts with oxygen in the air, a process called oxidation. This process releases heat, which can build up in the rag if...
  10. Pops

    Turn off FSD Camera?

    I have a pragmatic question for you. Which is safer? OP doing whatever dangerous behavior you think is happening with FSD on and the internal camera off, using steering wheel monitoring. OP doing whatever dangerous behavior you think is happening with FSD off. The way I see it I would rather...
  11. Pops

    🦌Cyber Antlers! - Alpha Build

    Off topic, but yes I did this. The problem I ran into was the plastic isnt rigid enough and the screen would slightly wobble at high speeds. Now I understand why they made their product so beefy and metal. I will likely complete the design soon and get it printed in metal to see if it works any...
  12. Pops

    Progressive/Snapshot thinks FSD using hard braking

    I also have Progressive Snapshot. My score is 5/5 and I use FSD about 30% of the time. My wife's score is 1/5 (we are screwed at renewal). She uses FSD about 90% of the time. The problem is she gets dinged for phone use on almost all of her drives. There is also fast acceleration and hard...
  13. Pops

    Drill into undercarriage?

    Maybe try magnets? I havent tried myself so I cannot confirm if the bottom metal is ferrous.
  14. Pops

    Lightbar non-foundation Beast

    Is there any official confirmation of that?
  15. Pops

    Need help! ;-)

    Promise her you will make it Pink and put eyelashes on it.
  16. Pops

    Updated Semi Horn that’s produced via the external speaker.

    One of the few times I have heard that and not considered it an empty threat. :LOL: Unique horns are generally a disadvantage. One time I heard my car making a chime and I start looking around my instrument cluster trying to figure out what that sound was. It was the same sound as when a door...
  17. Pops

    Turn off FSD Camera?

    I rarely do it. Mostly when I am eating or enjoying the scenery of a back country drive. I always keep the road forward of me in my peripheral vision, but that isn't enough to keep FSD happy.
  18. Pops

    Turn off FSD Camera?

    Buy a laptop camera cover on Amazon. With cover off turn on FSD Slide cover over camera FSD will give a warning about a camera being unusable, but will keep working It will now use the steering wheel torque to confirm attentiveness I have tested and confirmed this works. Before you righteous...
  19. Pops

    Tesla Delivers a Cool Present for Service Techs: Cybertruck Service Mode+

    This is very cool. It doesn't always show voltages, but at least some circuits are labeled/named with the voltage. This could be useful for tapping into lines to add accessories.
