So I had an opportunity to go with some friends that work on the Hummer off road platform design. They also brought along a Hummer and we spent Sunday at the Holly Oaks Off road Park. GM guys were super awesome and taught me the ropes. Hummers and Cybertrucks get along well...:D
Thanks to...
So I am going off roading with a guy from the Hummer off road engineer team. Plus another GM engineer at a place called Holly Oaks.
Any suggestions for a front mount? The Hummers have pole mounts made for...
A strange one, but people go to all lengths. Some funny, some regular. There is a forum on another site about the old Tesla Roadster, and over the years it has created many a laughs. So if you take a picture of someone taking a picture of a Cybertruck, and one deems it worthy please post...
Ours was top notch for what I like. Short and sweet.
Walk in. Hi Outdoors. Ready to get started? Showroom was silent and coffee was given to us as we briefly chatted.
DL's shown
2 documents actual sign for state.
Inspected exterior on way in as detailer was finishing.
I accepted delivery...
Okay, so here's a strange one driving in the middle of Illinois and all sudden we realized that we were driving along and the map hadn't moved, but our charge rate kept declining. Had all the various chargers and traffic data, but it was 3 hours stale.
We then went into change the navigation...
Some here like to use AI to generate responses. Usually providing no real world experience and much fluff. Some of these responses people post are pages.
Would be nice if people didn't resort to that, but a bit of fact checking has provided several users.