Yes, your sensibilities are the only ones that map to the greater public. And because of that, that is the only reasonable form of rationale, the only legitimate way to see things, and not totally arbitrary opinion with an axe to grind./sarcasm 🙄
True, that is a reasonable supposition. For what 'I do not want to hear' i know where to find it very easily when that is what I'm looking for. For example, when I'm looking at tech or car sites, I absolutely do *not* want to hear about politics. When/if I want to hear about politics, I know...
First, I LOVE your screen name and the movie!
The time table on this is seemingly pretty good, only 6-9 month delay from "elon time" which is pretty great, considering the track record:
Not sure why everyone doesn't see it's actually 240 to get to another charger. Anyway, let me know if you can do that going about 85mph. If you can do 240 at 85-90mph, then that's great. From what I've seen others report here, that 180mile is about all youre going to get at around 80mph in the...
I have several. But one I mentioned here (between Lubbock to Wichita Falls (210 miles) but the nearest charger is in Henrietta, so about 240 miles between chargers):
I currently have an ICE solution, but truly love the cybertruck. For my particular use case, I'm reallllllly close to the range I will need. That's why I'm hoping there is some bump in range in the not too distant future. 50-70 more miles of real range get me there and I will be all over it when...
Totally agree with this. The route I noted (and actually many more around Texas) do not fall in this category, sadly. So the quicker solution for now is just to have enough range for those spots if you happen to need that frequently. Most will not need that frequently, but for those of us that...
Excellent point. It truly is wonderful to leave the house and always have a “full tank of gas” if you’re fortunate enough to have a home charger.
I feel for those in apartments etc, it makes ownership a trickier proposition because unlike gas, if you have your ev parked outside, everyday you...
I agree with all of that. This only gets better with time and more charging stations, and thankfully for many, this is already a non-issue. I hope it will be for me soon too. It can, in my use case, be fixed with a little more range or a few new strategically placed superchargers.
That said the...
Not around Texas it's not. Further your straw man is noted and failed. You CAN STOP in that 240 mile trip, and get GAS, snacks, meals, whatever, just not juice at a super charger.
Thanks for playing.
The koolaid is high there. They had to turn around. The trucks never did.
210 mils at 85mph does not happen in a cyber truck. And it's 240 to get the the nearest supercharger. Again, little thing called reality keeps getting in the way of your non-arguments.
No, it’s mind reading. You don’t know what is in the minds or requirements or what is actually used by those buying long range models.
Thanks for moving the goal posts for top speed. Another declaration of a lost argument.
Youre wrong and you continue to pile on yourself. I await your next...
Sure oh mighty mind readers here know better than all other people do about themselves! 🙄 It's impressive several of you truly believe you know better than all the people that bought 350+mile range teslas. Shocked I'm not shocked.
And you've moved the goal post. We are not talking about 'most...
Your tiny minuscule percentage is a total fabrication of your … opinion. You have nothing to back it up statistically. People that buy the extra range do it in significant number and that alone belies your pure whims of anecdotal conjecture as they captaincy no what they need better than you do...
It flew over your head. Preferences and physics are often very intertwined. Those places where the trucks had to turn back, the gas powered trucks did not have to, because there were enough stations around.
I have a bunch of routes I need to drive but one of them is from Lubbock to Wichita...