Note: This table was created by Grok. I have confirmed the Max AC charge rates for the early Model S with dual charger, and the Model Y which I personally own. I cannot confirm charge rates for the other Models.
Note: This table was created by Grok. I have confirmed the Max AC charge rates for the early Model S with dual charger, and the Model Y which I personally own. I cannot confirm charge rates for the other Models.
I understand your use case of needing to "faster" charge. One hurdle is unless you have a dual charger in your Tesla (early Model S like HaulingAss or a CyberTruck), you cannot take advantage of a 100amp circuit. The best you can get is a 46 amp rate (11kW), which requires a 60 amp circuit. If...
I was misleading Great Bay Shark, I retract my statement, there is no significant degradation difference for the battery, between 24 verses 80 amp home charge rates. Understanding that every charge cycle does degrade most battery chemistries and supercharging is likely far worse than home charge...
I too have an 80 amp capable high powered wall connector I installed in 2017 just for fun. I ended up not getting the Dual charger in my model s and have never missed it. I see no reason to charge at higher than 24 amps as that is enough current to fully charge the car overnight. There's no...
ODE to the replicants...
Yes, I was wrong, the CT reveal was the evening of Nov 21st 2019. When the reservation URL popped on-screen, which was way after he walked on stage, it was early morning on the East coast the following day, which why I initially thought the event was the Nov 22nd.
The only thing we know for sure is the line was designed with a capacity of 125K trucks per year. That means very little. Until there is some sustained rate of production and parts supply and several increases in rate, all bets are off. And even then there will be fits and starts for at least a...
Wow, $15K off would mean a dual motor for $65K in MA! That is $35K less than the Cyberbeast would be, impressive. If you bought one of each it would even out right?!
I would say two things: 1. The situation will be different when deliveries start. 2. I agree Tesla could very well make...