I'm wondering if others have had some similar experiences or feelings about PPF. I have a quality PPF - Stek colored matte black PPF.
After having the PPF installed for many months, and installed twice due to some separate issues I can mention another time, I can say some of the benefits of PPF...
Just wondering because I dont recall ever being charged for that. Can anyone confirm whether you get charged for tolls when you have a loaner and drive thru a toll?
I wonder if sentry mode gets smarter with time. I park in a condo amongst other cars. When neighboring cars would come and go in their parking spot and the people would come near my car, id get an event. I no longer get those events.
Or maybe sentry is just being more selective now.
I’ve turned off auto wipers repeatedly but occasionally the wiper will go off by itself and when I check the setting, the auto wiper setting is on again. Not a big deal since it’s very occasional but just wondering why!
Hi all,
I am looking at this underglow kit from RPM Tesla. Doesn't seem to be overly expensive and looks cool. Just wondering
Power Drain: does it auto-shutoff when the car is off?Are there risks of phantom drain?
Compatibility Any error messages?.
Heat and Adhesion: after long wear/tear, does...
Can someone post a list of Siri commands that work with the Cybertruck? At one point I tried one and I think i got it to lock my doors but I don’t receive anymore how to do it but I’m sure you could do all sorts of things with just asking Siri.
I often get a warning that cruise control won’t brake while my FSD is on. I’ma little confused. First, since I’m in FSD, why am I am I getting a cruise control message? Second, why does this message appear when braking still happens automatically?
Just wondering if anyone has deep PPF experience (especially all the installers here). I had STEK Satin Black PPF installed. I took it back to the installer when I saw a bubble on the rear drive side door. He was totally good with redoing just that door. When he was done, I noticed the...
Has anyone found any good license plate frames that fit?
The plate itself almost scrapes against the bottom where the bumper begins so having a frame is a tough fit at best from the two I've tried.
My family shares the car and we have a bunch of phones. I see when there are two phones, you can pick the priority of which one connects first. But if say there are 4 phones and the top priority phone isn't there, can I prioritize which of the next 3 is the top and so on if both the top 2 aren't...
I understand it's the best thing out there for the moment in terms of being close to autonomous but it certainly isn't good enough yet to drive itself without interventions in urban areas. If Robotaxis is the same as FSD 12.5.5, it would be highly risky I think. I love Tesla so I really want it...
As much as it works most of the time, there's a risk where you'll hit something. Good lesson to learn for me that while Tesla's autonomy is great, it's still not foolproof and that you cannot 100% trust it yet.
My wife and I share the cybertruck and when she takes it, she has her profile and I with mine. The only thing is we haven’t figured out how to automatically have the profile switch when she takes the car without me. We have the priority Bluetooth settings set but if she’s there without me and it...