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  1. bill proposed ending EV tax credit US

    I already bought a foundation so I have no skin in the game here… but it feels like for anyone who has been waiting to pull the trigger and qualifies for the credit, now’s the time. Will Tesla just reduce the price by $7500? I have no idea. But feels like a good time to buy (any EV for that matter)
  2. At what price will you buy a CT?

    $100k foundation without lifetime supercharging
  3. Hater gallery thread ? :)

    “Don’t worry everyone! We’re the good guys! We’ve retroactively applied deeper meaning to other peoples consumer purchases, and are here vandalize those things and post it on the internet.”
  4. Wall Street analysts estimate 65K Cybertruck sales in 2025, but Troy expects 21K

    Unless these are widely adopted by business owners (which short term is very hard to see), I see sales being more in line with other enthusiast or premium vehicles. Price is only part of it. As a thought exercise, let’s say Tesla started selling these for $20,000… taking business owners out of...
  5. Cybetruck Lease Price now starting at $749/mo (decreased ~$150/mo)

    Yes, at the surface this seems like the best option for people who 1) don’t want to assume any risk whatsoever on the insane used vehicle market right now. The amount you pay is the amount you pay. The whims of the economy will have nothing to do with how much you end up paying. 2) don’t want...
  6. Cybetruck Lease Price now starting at $749/mo (decreased ~$150/mo)

    I’d be interested in the math here. I assume this is an MSRP deal, and that Tesla is getting to these levels through either assuming higher residual, heavy, better interest rate or both. Assuming that the play might be to just lease it and then decide down the line on buyout.
  7. Cybetruck Lease Price now starting at $749/mo (decreased ~$150/mo)

    That’s insane! Has anyone been to market for a lease from another manufacturer lately? Between high interest rates and crappy expected residuals, bland, tired, nothing-special mid sized SUVs are in this price range.
  8. Foundation Series Existing Inventory Gets Complimentary Wrap until March 31. Free Supercharging Offer Removed

    for some it’s more compelling. If you travel a lot, supercharging is huge. But even if I had free supercharging while local, nothing beats just plugging in at home and being fully charged by the morning. I’d rather the wrap deal (but I have a CT already)
  9. Worried about hate crime - Want to buy a Cybertruck [LOCKED DUE TO POLITICS]

    Majority bot generated, but sadly, real people too who think they’re interacting and aligning with other real people.
  10. Worried about hate crime - Want to buy a Cybertruck [LOCKED DUE TO POLITICS]

    Well, you sort of owned in on the only real downside of this vehicle. We’re there a handful of ultra exaggerated, recall and technical issue things spiraling out of control on the Internet? Sure. Mostly click bait with a hint of bots. If I had any complaint about the vehicle at all, it’s that...
  11. Getting tired of the roll coal crowd.

    and option 3 is not allowed of course! (A person who happened to like a type of car that is available for purchase)
  12. Getting tired of the roll coal crowd.

    I don’t get the point of this. Does it smell bad for a second or two or leave residue?
  13. Cybertruck Bricked!!

    Keep us posted! Good thing for the 8 year warranty!
  14. FS Beast Owners >6 months: would you do it again?

    Not disputing that. I don’t use my CT as a work truck. I use a bed a lot but for personal uses. If I were looking for something more utilitarian, more affordable, and a work truck I probably would look at the lightning. But I would be crossing it against ICE f-150 or a Silverado.
  15. FS Beast Owners >6 months: would you do it again?

    Yeah I don’t know about this. Yes the beast is faster and a more special vehicle generally, but the AWD vs Lightning? The only thing they have in common are they are electric and have a bed.
  16. Foundation Series finally over?

    I completely agree. It’s become polarizing more and more overtime. When it first came out, people certainly had their opinions on looks, but it was generally excitement because it was so different and interesting. Even if someone wasn’t in love with the way it looks, they weren’t genuinely mad...
  17. FSD wrong side of road!?!?!?

    Looks like the salt covering the yellow line confused it… no excuse though. It clearly saw itself driving on the left side of a double yellow, which isn’t a thing.
  18. Foundation Series finally over?

    If they approached foundation series just slightly different, I think it would be a completely different story right now. Even at the exact same prices at 99 and 119, if they just threw in something that showed foundation actually had more value than the $20,000 markup, I think it would’ve...
