This happened to me too. The one of my Air suspension bags blew up. Tesla replaced mine free of charge.
Lessons learned: Don't put your CT in extract mode and park for a long period of time.
This happened to me. I hopped on the bed and removed the panel to expose the compressor. It was rattling against the metal when i was operating. My guess is that it just vibrates loose and ends up rattling against the metal. I just stuck a some EVA foam with double stick tape and now it's...
Update: got mine fixed a couple weeks ago and it's still warping and bowing up. At this point i just gave up on it. The old one wasn't so bad after being in the 100+ degree hear for months. It looked better before i had it replace, probably all the heat made the bowing settle.
They pop off easy start at one end and work your way to the other end. Just pry it up with some plastic trim tools then I just used my hand.
My applique doesn't bow as much as it used to but it's clearly wavy now
My cop friend said it's okay they won't pull me over for that here in Vegas. To much work for a secondary offense that doesn't look like they can write a ticket for. They won't pull you over here in Vegas unless it's a primary offense like speeding.
I tried to get one made like you did at pcbway but they said there were to many dividing lines after I converted the STL file to step. I'm not familiar with CAD do I didn't know how to do these things lol.
Replaced my mirror with my Uniden Radar Detector. Just pop out the mirror and and you have a 20mm ball. The ball has a channel where you can run the wires through and tap it into the red and black wires. I have a Uniden radar detector that came with a gopro mount which i used.
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