Search results

  1. Foundation Series Light Bar Waiting Room

    There might be a great reason to wait to get your lightbar installed when they want you to get it. Here is my experience so far… Picked up CB on August 27, 2024. Tried the various ploys to get the light installed in Houston. All tries led to naught. Decided to visit relatives in Florida...
  2. NEW! MarsAG Truck Bed Mount for Tesla Cybertruck

    Are these the same racks that fit on top of the truck but with different end connections? and what are the items called that are in the above quick connect picture? What are they used for?
  3. Protect your cybertruck with Tlyard Full Coverage Seat Covers

    If anyone is making seat covers in the grey suedish material(alacanta?). I’m in.
  4. Found this on the floor-can someone please tell me what this push clip might be for?

    I found a bag of those clips in my CB the day I picked up my truck. I asked the checkout guy about them and he just shook his head saying I have no idea what they are for. No wonder they can’t get the lights right.
  5. Survey for Beast Owners With Lightbar

    1. Aug 27 2. Jan 20 3. Ft Myers, Fl 4. Was visiting relatives in Fl from Texas. Tried several times to Schedule a appt in Houston area. All eventually cancelled when lights never came in. Took a shot, made appointment for light bar installation here in Fl. Never did receive the light bar...
  6. Extended battery pack available when?

    $16k for an additional 150 miles, maybe? It less expensive to haul a generator and gasoline can to get you thru the rough spots. Probably takes up less room in the bed too.
  7. Tesla Lightbar delivery & install experience

    For those of you who don’t know if your lights have been soldered or not, send a note to the service folks where you had the work done and ask them if your wire jumper was soldered. I did that and received a reply within minutes.
  8. Tesla Lightbar delivery & install experience

    For those of you who did not received and connection instructions, I just googled lightbar connection on CT and it came up with a few videos that show you how to remove and reinstall the B pillar on the CT. I will be trying is this weekend when I purchase a 10mm socket for my tool set.
  9. Tesla Lightbar delivery & install experience

    Where is the PSA for the light bar?
  10. Tesla Lightbar delivery & install experience

    As posted elsewhere on this forum. I had my light bar installed on Wednesday (1/20/25), 8/27/24 delivery of CB. Still not connected to power yet. Weather is a bit chilly here in Florida to be working outside. The method I used was to book the appt for the light install. Let them decide if...
  11. How would you test the CyberBeast if you had it for 24h?

    You can do what Evel didn’t complete and jump a Canyon with the CT!
  12. Trip planner - multi day trips

    Memphis maybe rundown in your opinion, but the here are a few interesting sites to see in that area. You can visit the Drake Hotel in Downtown Memphis. If you go in the morning, you can watch the ducks march from the elevator to their fountain. If you go in the evening, you’ll see them march...
  13. Beast Free supercharging in lieu of Light bar ?

    OK Cyberfanatics, This is the follow up on my light bar installation. It actually was completed today! YAHOO! Of course there had to be some initial trauma drama. I get to the SC at 10:30 for a 1:30 appt. This is my first service call on The Beast. There are four service people behind four...
  14. Beast Free supercharging in lieu of Light bar ?

    Maybe we all need to carry a roll of black gaffing tape to cover the light bars? It may be less expensive than having a cover 3D printed!
  15. Beast Free supercharging in lieu of Light bar ?

    Can’t someone 3D print a light bar cover?
  16. Beast Free supercharging in lieu of Light bar ?

    August 27th delivery. I am having my lightbar installed today! I contacted the SC and they supposedly have it in stock and it is ready for install. Stay tuned for update later today.
  17. Subzero photo of tailgate camera

    That camera looks like a mini Crawling Eye!
  18. Went for a ride to Rockabillaque in Florida

    I tried that logic with them but they wanted to keep it period correct. However, in walking around the show I did spot a 2023 Vette and a recent Hummer. I guess they got there too early for the judges to notice them. Oh Well, their loss.
  19. Went for a ride to Rockabillaque in Florida

    Drove from Texas to Immokelee, Fl. Big Car Show. Bands all day. Food trucks. Arts & Craps Fair. Great, beautiful day. The only thing wrong was that they didn't allow my CB into the Car Show. I was told it wasn't a CLASSIC! Needless to say I was dumbfounded. It turned out that I had more...
