Don't know which company manufactured this but here is flexible solar panel wrap installed on a Cybertruck at CES 2025.
Cost is $10K (includes the 5kw battery inverter) and warrantied to 15 years.
Full shot of how the solar panel wrap looks. Resembles digital camo 👍
The Cybertruck and other HW4-based vehicles are receiving this update, however, the release notes for the Cybertruck differ from other models as shown below.
Editorial note: This version of FSD for the Cybertruck differs slightly from the other models. Some features that are in...
"Tesla's Holiday Update is going out to both HW3 and HW4 vehicles via software update 2024.44.25.2. This includes vehicles on 2024.44.3.1, 2024.33.35, and 2024.32.10 so far; more may appear within the hour."