Search results

  1. what's the best place on the windshield to stick the Fastrack?

    I never put mine on my car. I just keep it where I can grab it when I need it and put in on the dash. No issues, no ugly stuff on my windshield.
  2. Ohio State Buckeyes Wrap by T Sportline

    Ohio State Buckeyes Wrap by @T Sportline.
  3. Lights and Snow: tested, fail (ice covered headlights)!

    How would the light bar on top do in the snow? I live in San Diego, but I'll drive it in Tahoe.
  4. Key cards not working

    Wow! Intriguing. It's possible I put my phone on the card they came in. They did put that card right in that spot both times, delivery and today.
  5. Key cards not working

    I took the keys to the dealership and they were bad keys. I can tell from the new ones that there was something wrong. You could sort of see the chip in the bad ones. Thanks all for the help!
  6. Key cards not working

    Seems they are bad, can I drive to a service center like any other car dealer? First time Tesla owner...
  7. Key cards not working

    It doesn't recognize when I slide it tap in the charger slots.
  8. Key cards not working

    Do they appear in the list of keys? Yes If they do, what happens when you present one to the driver's B column? Nothing Are you dure that you know the correct 2 locations at which they do anything? Yes I believe the door and the charging pad. If it helps I can't remove the keys either...
  9. Key cards not working

    Hi all. I recently found that neither of my key cards are working. I've tried all the videos online, both in vehicle and using app. It does look like 2 are registered from my delivery date last month, but I can't delete them or add them or use them. Any thoughts?
  10. Cybertruck FSD almost hit the truck already in the traffic circle!

    I don't trust my own driving in traffic circles! I love my dad, but I'll never use it in a traffic circle.
  11. New deliveries with A/T All Terrain tires have wheel covers!

    So, if I pick up mine on Friday, it will have wheel covers?
