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  1. Baldey

    App poll necro thread

    Finally picked up my CT last week, trying to decide which tracker to commit to for a year.. I've been happily using TeslaFi on my Model 3, but i keep TesLab installed just for fun. I've been seeing a lot of screenshots from Tessie, and wanted to try that out.. Biggest drawback of TeslaFi, is no...
  2. Baldey

    Center cap size V2 - Basic Core different size than All Terrain?

    I finally got my CT last week! Lol been a member of this club long enough.. So I zombified and printed this cover , and as another user recently reported the Basic Core tire and rims do not match the All Terrain ones. What size are the new...
  3. Baldey

    NON-FS - Tax Credit? FSD? Many questions!

    Purchase price is below 80k, but barely.. Is that all thats needed to qualify? Does the order/destination fee disqualify it? Pretty sure any add-ons would.. What about software addons like FSD? If it disqualifies the purchase, can you get the rebate first then buy FSD? Is the rebate available at...
  4. Baldey

    Elon, please dont nerf my truck's HW4 MCU

    There have been reports that although the cameras and CPU are better, the new HW4 computer is actually worse than the previous version in many ways. 8gb RAM instead of 16, and it is cheaper non-EEC type. I am hoping this is just for the MY and M3 refresh.. The extra camera inputs are for the...
  5. Baldey

    Range prediction poll

    In EPA[Elon**] miles. Only one number on this list makes sense...
  6. Baldey

    Boat dock confirmed!

    why would a car company want a boat dock :unsure: Time stamp to 7:45
  7. Baldey

    Solar CT news? Where do you plan to park your Cybertruck?

    I think solar could be huge for an "outside truck" , someone tell Musk! I live in a townhome with an attached garage, it has served my M3 well.. But I'd hate to have an EV without a garage to charge it in.. And i am slightly concerned about the CyberTruck not fitting in my standard garage. I...
  8. Baldey


    Lets brainstorm some ideas? I am on the fence about whether or not a wrap defeats the point of a tough exterior.. The way i see it, Cons: $$$ Wear Pros: Uniqueness Protection Less fingerprints, easier maintenance So if you are going to use it solely as a work truck, that's a nope. But if its...
