Search results

  1. MrTofuDragon

    Stainless Steel Tailgate Cover by LuckysFabShop

    Definitely considering this. Also waiting on the install video to see all the attachment points. Would also like to see the part not installed on the truck, closeup view of the edges/corners/seams, and maybe side by side comparison with the original plastic part. But yeah, an install video...
  2. MrTofuDragon

    Haunted? After tinting windows the drivers door opens on its own!

    Just wanted to thank you. I did the same thing and the issue immediately went away.
  3. MrTofuDragon

    Rumor: Foundation Series Expanded to 20,000 Units (Claims Phone Customer Service Rep)

    No, just no. (to this rumor) The reddit poster this rumor spread from confirmed in that same thread that by "Tesla rep," they were meaning "phone support rep". There are multiple much more believable reports on social media of people calling the Tesla Support number with Cybertruck related...
  4. MrTofuDragon

    First Foundation Series Cybertruck delivery at Austin Service Center (not delivery event)!

    Yes, the email invite came on Tues around 5pm CST. Apparently a lot of other people also got Foundation invites at this time, as per Facebook and X. I originally got the option to start designing the evening of Dec 15, but no email invite, and it mysteriously disappeared by 1pm Dec 16.
  5. MrTofuDragon

    First Foundation Series Cybertruck delivery at Austin Service Center (not delivery event)!

    This video is killing me... My foundation invite email came in today and I would be picking up from this same service center in Austin for the same spec (AWD)... But I'm waiting for non-Foundation... Or at least that's what I'm telling myself until I give in.
  6. MrTofuDragon


    I had mine rescinded same as others in the 2nd tranche (evening Dec 15 the blue "Start Designing" button appeared in app/website, by 1pm Dec 16 the option was gone, just reverted back to normal reservation state). I never got an invite email. I'm thinking the ones who had invites that didn't...
  7. MrTofuDragon

    🗓️ Foundation Series delivery dates updated: Dual-Motor (January-March) / Tri-Motor (Mid-Late 2024)

    Thanks for the heads up! Same on mine. Blue "Start Designing" button on the Manage Reservation page for my reservation. RN1127443XX, in TX. Now I get to test my resolve to be financially prudent and wait for the non-Foundation AWD that will qualify for the tax credit... or somehow justify 100K...
  8. MrTofuDragon

    Munro: Tesla Cybertruck Technical Specs DEEP DIVE with 5 Tesla Executives

    @20:35 They say they are doing Active Road Noise Cancellation using the speakers. @45:28 They make a somewhat sneaky comment that "long term target is 500" miles of range with the range extender. So maybe initially it's 460-470, but later revisions of the range extender will be 500+.
  9. MrTofuDragon

    Has anyone with a Founder’s invite actually talked to Tesla about the process if you want to wait for the non-founder’s version?

    My thought process goes like this. Not every foundation invite sent out will covert to a sale for Tesla. For any myriad of reasons, the invited buyer will just not get the foundation version. At that point, the reservation for a Cybertruck just sits unfulfilled in their account.; it doesn't...
  10. MrTofuDragon

    Just Ordered My Foundation Series Allocation! Post Your Invitations / Order Confirmations! 🙌

    Have not received any email and nothing changed on the website for me. -Less than minute 1 reservation for Dual Motor with FSD, later changed to Tri Motor with FSD in June 2020: 1127443XX -Live in Pflugerville, TX, which is directly north of Austin (less than 30min from Gigafactory) - Have a...
  11. MrTofuDragon

    Video: Sandy Munro's Cybertruck first drive review & first impressions

    Given that the all-weather mats are $295 US in the Tesla shop (, I'm going to guess they are not standard.
  12. MrTofuDragon

    Video: Sandy Munro's Cybertruck first drive review & first impressions

    Wow, that rear view camera fogging up or getting blurry at 1:52 is kind of scary. I wonder if the rear camera has spray cleaning function like the front one?
  13. MrTofuDragon

    🍻 CyberBeer + CyberStein Limited Edition Set Giveaway! [Enter Here]

    While waiting for Cybertruck, traded cars with my wife over a year ago. Essentially driving what was my wife's SUV while she drives our 2018 Model 3 RWD. Going back to getting gas at a gas station is brutal. The truck can't come soon enough.
  14. MrTofuDragon

    Power liftgate and power ramp? Yay or nay?

    OP here, holy smokes, that would be awesome! I even tweeted Elon back in July 2020 (that no one saw). If it comes to fruition, I'll happily accept all the credit. ;)
  15. MrTofuDragon

    Alien Technology **Confirmed**

    Full video in high quality in case anyone is curious:
  16. MrTofuDragon

    Rear Wheel Steering

    Ha, I was honestly coincidentally just thinking about this issue the other day... and now they are fixing it with rear wheel steering. I was thinking about how I'd have to pull out much further in a Cybertruck to make a turn than a "normal" car due to the extra long wheelbase. I think Elon...
  17. MrTofuDragon

    MATTEL 1:10 RC Cybertruck Coming Back + New Cyberquad on May 21!

    Yeah, it said sold out at 4 minutes after the hour for me. ...but I lucked out and was able to get an order in! I'm glad Google Chrome has a secure credit card autofill option so that step only took a few seconds.
  18. MrTofuDragon

    MATTEL 1:10 RC Cybertruck Coming Back + New Cyberquad on May 21!

    Yes, it's not just you. The scale of the ATV is off and not as wide as it should be. Here's a comparison on the toy to the actual one at the reveal.
