That repair is not going to be cheap. I bet they try and weasel out of it if they do not want to use their insurance. That's a red flag. Turn it over to your insurance and just get it fixed. You should prob get some good legal advice. That entire rear panel needs to be replaced.
I think alot of orders were from people who were hoping that they would come into some money to be able to afford one. Reality hit them when they got the notice from Tesla. My first house in 1973 was 17k. So what. If you can afford it then buy it. If not then move on.
1200.00 per year with state farm. The only one i could find was Progressive and it was only 25.00 less. Stayed with State farm. They also have my homeowners and 3 other vehicles. What kind of driving record do you have?
Thank you very much. I found this very useful. I am looking to build a solar charging station here at home. I'm new to solar and have been trying to educate myself. You made it easy to understand.
The CT looks tacky without the A/T tires. And dont forget the FSD. When i first got my CT i would have left out the FSD if i had the choice. Now that i have it I am very glad it came with the truck. It is so well worth the money. You are spot on with your comment.
Pay them no mind.
Pay them no mind. I dont get why people have to be sarcastic or rude to others. For me the FSD works great in MT because of the distances between any city. The state has a pop of 1.5 mil and is only 7% smaller than CA. And CA has a pop of 40 million. Things are very...
As a 71 YO retiree i can relate to you but it is so worth it. In my case the nearest SC is one state over in WA. The 2 recalls so far have been performed by a mobile Tesla tech that cam to my home in rural MT. And there was no cast to me. The FSD will allow me to visit friends and family...
Keep the FSD. I'm 71 and find the FSD very helpful on any road trip short or long. It is worth the money. I paid 101k for mine so 91k is worth it. Honestly , you wont regret it. And the FSD is fantastic.