Have all Foundation Series CyberTruck owners lost their AD FREE SLACKER/LIVEONE MUSIC SERVICE that was included with our FREE LIFETIME PREMIUM CONNECTIVITY when we purchased truck ?
Note: I have 2018 Model S that still has this free streaming music service and had it with my Cybertruck…but now...
What is everyone using to clean and protect the bed lining? Any RECOMMENDATIONS?
… I’ve tried a product that after drying just leaves it splotchy! Thanks!
I have now owned my Cybertruck for over a month and driven it over 700 miles.
While this is an extreme leapfrog in new tech and like any new models…you can expect to have some minor detail items that may need to be addressed.
But, not in my case, as the truck drives so well and there have been...
Ideas how to have FUN with that question!😜
So…after finally taking delivery of my Cybertruck…I was surprised to see how many people asked this question.
Since I’ve been waiting for 4+ years…and reading everything about this vehicle…you just think everyone just knows!
Elon Question:
How many Cybertruck Foundation Series will be built and how many have placed necessary deposit thus far in ordering the Foundation Series?
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