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  1. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    Ok. I have given up on sourcing 12v->5v on the autopilot source. It appears that Tesla stops power on that circuit during the drive when it pulls more than 5 watts. So now I am using an OBD2->12v cig, and the original power supply adapter that came with the camera. I have not gone for a drive...
  2. Apple CarPlay and rear camera

    Becareful. The Voltage inside the autopilot housing is 15.5v. You will need to step it down to 5v if you are using a usb-c connector.
  3. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    I got the rear camera mounted. I really need a 3d printed triangle aero shield to mount over it? anybody on the forum open to making one for me? The camera has to be mounted in this manner as their is no way to flip the image in the camera software itself. Trust me, I reached out to the company...
  4. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    I just got the new stepdown. Measured 15.5v at the truck tap. and using this step down. I now see 4.991V at 1.078A. This is must better than the previous step down which dipped down to 4.808V at 1.147A (which was a...
  5. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    I snapshotted my invoice from digikey, Just search each part number from them and order a few. I did mess up the first one, so I was glad I bought a few of each.
  6. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    Does power turn off when you leave the car when using OBD2? or do you have to manually turn off the load?
  7. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    Yes, this may be the case, I am going to try a better step down voltage translator to see if it cleans it up. The first one I had was a generic one.
  8. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    how did you get the headliner to disconnect? It seems really on there.
  9. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    I am suspecting the issue is with the DC-DC converter I am using. I am going to try other versions.
  10. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    Just went for a first drive with this. The mirror appeared to lose power during the drive. So 1 Amp draw may not be capable on this circuit.
  11. Apple CarPlay and rear camera

    I posted a solution for the power connection to a dc barrel jack. (
  12. CarPlay Rearview Mirror - Power Tap

    I followed the everyday chris video to remove the mirror and to open the autopilot housing. Inside there is a red and black wire 2 pin connector. I found the connector in the tesla schematic and ordered parts from digikey to make an inbetween connector. This connector then "T"'s the red and...
  13. Replaced rearview mirror with Radar Detector

    Do you think tapping the 14-15v inside the autopilot camera housing on the windshield can handle a 1 amp draw at 5 volts?
  14. Installing a 12 volt radar detector -- use 12 - 15 volt circuit behind the rear view mirror compartment.

    I found this. If it tapped into the headliner internal radar (which claims its 12v) on the tesla schematic, its long enough to reach the rearview mirror.
  15. Replacing the rearview mirror with this...

    please share how you routed wires, and where you tapped power. Thanks.
  16. Installing a 12 volt radar detector -- use 12 - 15 volt circuit behind the rear view mirror compartment.

    I saw in the headliner there is a 12v internal radar. You could use a 12V Dc - DC converter from that plug to USB-C, then barrel the usb-c to your RJ-11.
