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  1. CCS Cybertruck Adapter

    @AlmostHuman - Thanks for being willing to test it. To clarify, you can get CCS 1 working, but not the higher power formats?
  2. Potential injury warning: Leg cut by door corner (warning: graphic image)

    Same thing happened to me! Far less severe - I was parked on a decline, and the door hit my leg and caused a pretty good scrape (no blood drawn). It was painful enough I’ve been feeling it all day. Obviously I feel stupid - but it’s at least good to know I’m not alone
  3. 2024.14.3 off-road update

    Did this get resolved? Holding off on clicking update until I hear back!!
  4. CCS Cybertruck Adapter

    Using one of the 3rd party 250kW CCS adapters that claim to support Cybertruck, even though the official adapter does not. Eg:
  5. CCS Cybertruck Adapter

    I've been wondering this exact thing – but too chicken to try it on my own CT. Can anyone please post if they try it?
