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  1. ABC

    ELi5 - Regular Road Travel

    Devix, whoa, Italy! Also, that's an awesome profile picture!
  2. ABC

    ELi5 - Regular Road Travel

    Hey, Saskateam! Hopefully I'll see you on the Trans-Can one day!
  3. ABC

    ELi5 - Regular Road Travel

    Thank you, cybrtrk_maybe, for the great info!
  4. ABC

    ELi5 - Regular Road Travel

    I don't work construction nor do I go off-roading. I just really like the Cybertruck, the way it looks, the self-driving feature, and so on. I do enjoy road trips in all kinds of weather throughout North America. Current Tesla owners who do long road trips, especially in parts of Canada, do...
  5. ABC

    Test Drive

    Thanks, Duramax! Sorry, I should have clarified that I'm in Vancouver, BC. I seriously can't wait! Two years seems forevers away!
  6. ABC

    Test Drive

    Where can I test drive a Cybertruck?
