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are you a bot, or just use AI for your responses? did you prompt in "wittingly roast this guy," fr.
That's what +25 years experience on forums will do to you, nothing new. ;)

I just hope to learn, inform, or if all else fails, entertain. :)



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Thanks! Yep, I saw the previous posts, and I love the YouTube channel you shared. Yes, gravity is technically not a force. In my above response I mentioned it as ā€œuniversalā€ force. Probably there is a better terminology to use to highlight that itā€™s a universal field created by space-time continuum based on the mass of the object, and all objects experience it the same way, as evident by the moon experiment of dropping a hammer and a feather.

The whole reason plasma lightning came up is to support the hypothesis of anti-gravity drones, which was shared in the manifesto. I was implying that taking a working concept of plasma lightning in the lab to full production of anti-gravity drones is a very long road. A highly sustainable Negative mass energy field has to be created to nullify the effects of space-time continuum. Our current technology is not there to create such a sophisticated design, and we donā€™t have a large amount of energy to do that yet. I was just drawing that conclusion to summarize that no country is even close to doing this (again just my opinion). If someone has done it, they would have figured out how to even bend space-time fabric itself. So, I think the things disclosed in the manifesto are probably false narratives that the poor person might have believed - probably because he got convinced somehow. If itā€™s remotely true, then he is absolutely right - itā€™s going to change the entire course of humanity.

Sorry, didnā€™t know you werenā€™t implying the connection between plasma lightning and drones. If someone draws that type of connection, itā€™s like seeing a bird and saying I have understood all laws of physics, I can build a jet plane tomorrow. There is a huge difference between fully understanding the concepts and actually building a working model! IMO, high advancement in quantum computing and AI is needed to cross that bridge, as trillions of experiments have to be simulated to cross that bridge!

Iā€™m absolutely not denying the technicalities of the experiments or facts in the history books. Iā€™m trying to link these technical discussions to the manifesto to stay relevant to the thread! Otherwise, a science forum would be a great place to debate on these geeky things if we are just discussing on certain science topics not relevant to the Las Vegas incident! This thread has a high chance to get locked in, at least for folks who are not discussing anything relevant to the Las Vegas incident! I donā€™t want to be booted out! šŸ˜
No worries.

Some constructive criticisms if I may of something you might of missed. First up I think you are exaggerating the power levels involved by several hundred orders of magnitude. This is not worm whole level stuff, just a fairly simple radio frequency produced visual effect. The plasma ball lightning phenomena are not necessarily high power at all (although some could be, most aren't).

They are typically sub 10-100kW, which is well within range of RF transmission capabilities of existing technology today. For example high temperature fire is also plasma. So this phenomena has literally been around since the invention of the fire. ;)

At this power level we don't have to mess around with fancy physics to get the results. Admittedly, "containment" of the plasma ball is likely the hardest part without a structure around it to stop the ionised particles from dissipating, but this is offset by the ability to add energy to the object from an external source via RF transmission like "wireless charging" so that it can maintain it's form using the air itself. There are also "low temperature" plasmas.

Low power state plasmas are used everywhere btw (Battery, USB and wall outlet powered):

Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736143636384-pq
Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736144302796-7z
Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736143660119-ds


The point that I'm trying to make, is that we don't need to have exotic trans-warp interdimensional travel to explain the extent of the actual observations made.

One does not preclude the other's existence per se, but at this point in time, I believe controllable lightning balls would be substantive enough by themselves, and not need any fancy energy source to make a reality.

Cyber Man

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No worries.

Some constructive criticisms if I may of something you might of missed. First up I think you are exaggerating the power levels involved by several hundred orders of magnitude. This is not worm whole level stuff, just a fairly simple radio frequency produced visual effect. The plasma ball lightning phenomena are not necessarily high power at all (although some could be, most aren't).

They are typically sub 10-100kW, which is well within range of RF transmission capabilities of existing technology today. For example high temperature fire is also plasma. So this phenomena has literally been around since the invention of the fire. ;)

At this power level we don't have to mess around with fancy physics to get the results. Admittedly, "containment" of the plasma ball is likely the hardest part without a structure around it to stop the ionised particles from dissipating, but this is offset by the ability to add energy to the object from an external source via RF transmission like "wireless charging" so that it can maintain it's form using the air itself. There are also "low temperature" plasmas.

Low power state plasmas are used everywhere btw (Battery, USB and wall outlet powered):



The point that I'm trying to make, is that we don't need to have exotic trans-warp interdimensional travel to explain the extent of the actual observations made.

One does not preclude the other's existence per se, but at this point in time, I believe controllable lightning balls would be substantive enough by themselves, and not need any fancy energy source to make a reality.
I think this is where we are having a disconnect - Iā€™m literally talking about the power levels and the actual design needed to levitate a 1000 lbs-2000 lbs of anti-gravity drone using negative energy field from plasma ions. You are going back to the lab experiments to say itā€™s super easy to create it. Absolutely no debate on the lab experiments.

Here are the open questions or technical challenges to build a real machine - whatā€™s the energy needed to create the energy field to lift 1 lbs of mass? Have we derived a formula for that? Is that power linear to the distance from earthā€™s surface? Are we going to beam the ions to surface or just contain it in a space? How do we do that? What materials will be used?What about atmospheric pressure or wind speed? Howā€™s the navigation going to work? Is it going to be different based on space-time energy field (inside Earth atmosphere versus in space)? I can go on.. point is - observing a phenomenon in lab and calculating the power or understanding the concepts is one thing. BUILDING IT in real life to make it work without spending trillions of dollars is another thing. IMO, our technology is not there yet.

How easy is it to build a toy rocket? Now how easy is it to build a real rocket that can carry humans? You are taking all data based on a backyard toy experiment to convince that it works. Itā€™s a day and night difference to know the theory versus building one. This is a super important point because even time travel into the future is possible as scientists have successfully proved that by measuring atomic clocks. Now how easy is it to build a real aircraft to travel at light speed? Hope you see my point.

You are right - lack of evidence doesnā€™t disprove the fact. Everything in the manifesto might be true. Given what I have seen in technological advancement space, my impression has been that if someone could build something like this eventually, that would be Tesla, probably in another 100+ years once we have quantum computers. Iā€™m having a hard time digesting that someone else could pull this off out of thin air! Again, I might be wrong. One explanation could be that someone might have finally built a fully working quantum computer to solve all those challenges I mentioned above in months. Traditional computers would take 1000+ years to run those experiments and simulations. If quantum computing breakthrough has happened somewhere, Iā€™ll consider myself to be the most fortunate person to be alive in the era of this discovery. It also means we might all be doomed if itā€™s in the wrong hand.

Another plausible explanation could be some alien tech might have been uncovered to give us the full blueprint of how to exactly build anti-gravity drones using plasma ball lightning or whatever. Now we are spinning conspiracy theories!

Either ways, I guess I just have to wear a tinfoil like the other member and call it a day! šŸ˜
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I think this is where we are having a disconnect - Iā€™m literally talking about the power levels and the actual design needed to levitate a 1000 lbs-2000 lbs of anti-gravity drone using negative energy field from plasma ions. You are going back to the lab experiments to say itā€™s super easy to create it. Absolutely no debate on the lab experiments.

Here are the open questions or technical challenges to build a real machine - whatā€™s the energy needed to create the energy field to lift 1 lbs of mass? Have we derived a formula for that? Is that power linear to the distance from earthā€™s surface? Are we going to beam the ions to surface or just contain it in a space? How do we do that? What materials will be used?What about atmospheric pressure or wind speed? Howā€™s the navigation going to work? Is it going to be different based on space-time energy field (inside Earth atmosphere versus in space)? I can go on.. point is - observing a phenomenon in lab and calculating the power or understanding the concepts is one thing. BUILDING IT in real life to make it work without spending trillions of dollars is another thing. IMO, our technology is not there yet.

How easy is it to build a toy rocket? Now how easy is it to build a real rocket that can carry humans? You are taking all data based on a backyard toy experiment to convince that it works. Itā€™s a day and night difference to know the theory versus building one. This is a super important point because even time travel into the future is possible as scientists have successfully proved that by measuring atomic clocks. Now how easy is it to build a real aircraft to travel at light speed? Hope you see my point.

You are right - lack of evidence doesnā€™t disprove the fact. Everything in the manifesto might be true. Given what I have seen in technological advancement space, my impression has been that if someone could build something like this eventually, that would be Tesla, probably in another 100+ years once we have quantum computers. Iā€™m having a hard time digesting that someone else could pull this off out of thin air! Again, I might be wrong. One explanation could be that someone might have finally built a fully working quantum computer to solve all those challenges I mentioned above in months. Traditional computers would take 1000+ years to run those experiments and simulations. If quantum computing breakthrough has happened somewhere, Iā€™ll consider myself to be the most fortunate person to be alive in the era of this discovery. It also means we might all be doomed if itā€™s in the wrong hand.

Another plausible explanation could be some alien tech might have been uncovered to give us the full blueprint of how to exactly build anti-gravity drones using plasma ball lightning or whatever. Now we are spinning conspiracy theories!

Either ways, I guess I just have to wear a tinfoil like the other member and call it a day! šŸ˜
I'm fine with discussing either version of what it might be, be that massless or with mass, but in this case I don't think there is any proof that there is an underlying vehicle, or anything at all for that matter, inside of the object. There is NOTHING inside it.

Specifically, there is no indication that these objects have mass, in fact given their high rate of acceleration it is most feasible that they should have as little mass as possible, so the smallest amount of energy is required to propel them. This is why I think they are very likely ONLY a low grade plasma, nothing more, nothing less.

Plasma is lighter than air, being a higher energy state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, then plasma).

For visualisation purposes imagine as a mechanical analogy, pushing a small helium balloon around with a stream of air like in this video:

Then imagine the helium balloon is in an even lighter state, being a plasma, and the "air stream" is a bunch of radio waves from a steerable phased array antenna, that excites the plasma, and that same plasma is also acting as its own antenna to absorb the radio energy.

It's essentially a "ground powered flying antenna light show". A modern firework kite.

From my understanding the object has been observed to have the following properties:

1) resembles a sphere - (natural shape of atmospheric plasma balls - squashed ball saucer shape whilst travelling)
2) emits patterns of light - (illusion of anti-gravity, ZPE, interdimensional etc)
3) buzzing sound - (yep plasma)
4) mostly seen at night against a dark sky - (low energy = low light output plasma)
5) can be stationary in the sky - (illusion of anti-gravity - no mass to lift in the first place)
6) can accelerate at a high rate in any direction without "turning" (illusion of anti-gravity, high g-force - hence no mass)
7) can travel fast - (illusion of anti-gravity, hence no mass)
8) is seemingly unaffected by interactions with matter - (phasing through solids - mostly illusion because there is no mass or craft in the first place, just light generated by the plasma is visible)
9) can disappear "into thin air" without a trace - (you just turn the RF transmitter of and the plasma field collapses)
10) normally doesn't spontaneously appear, but comes from somewhere out of sight (plasma ball "probably" needs somewhere for the particle ionisation to start)
11) hasn't been observed BLOS (Beyond Line of Sight) - most common people don't have access to radar, so visual is all you get -but also lines up with RF LOS - could also be intentionally undetectable due to different non-visible spectrum use)
12) landing sites are hard to find, if at all - (there is none, there's just some radio transmitters/radar that switch off after the show)
13) no craft debris found - (because there is no craft, there is no mass, there is obviously no debris)
14) Bonus round FYEO, Crop circles - (possible explanation if plasma is designed to interact with vegetation, see grape plasma etc - could be formed by multiple balls etc)

All of these would be the properties of a nearly "massless" plasma object that is powered wirelessly from a fairly low power 10-100kW radio transmitter that would fit on the back of a truck.

That's it. For that case.

Now if you want to talk ZPE/interdimensional/quantum entanglement, or about the need to get an AI that is capable of calculating all of this to make it work, sure we could do that as well, but I really don't think that is what is being observed here.

In fact it's technically possible this can all be done just "electro-mechanically", you know 1930s style, like Tesla did, with tinkering and tuning. You know like Washington in 1952:

Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736162528027-om

I mean if the Germans were already using phased arrays etc in WW2, it's really not a stretch of the imagination, the fundamentals were there already, radio sciences were cutting edge already after the war, and haven't actually progressed as much since back then.

Anyway was fun pondering the mysteries of the universe. lol. :geek: ;)
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This discussion, aside from being off topic, reads like a transcript of a crackpot session at an APS meeting. (Being an open meeting, anyone can submit a talk on physics, regardless of whether they are a physicist or have anything at all sensible to say, as long as the topic is physics.). These sessions are always entertaining.

There are so many problems with the ideas being posited that I donā€™t even know where to begin.


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This discussion, aside from being off topic, reads like a transcript of a crackpot session at an APS meeting. (Being an open meeting, anyone can submit a talk on physics, regardless of whether they are a physicist or have anything at all sensible to say, as long as the topic is physics.). These sessions are always entertaining.

There are so many problems with the ideas being posited that I donā€™t even know where to begin.
Cool glad we could entertain you.

Feel free to start anywhere and give me pointers where its wrong. Thanks.


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This thread has turned into a "troll farm" of stupid. It should be locked if nothing on point can be added.
What's wrong? Too much cryogenic fart science going on in here?
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So the other day I got an email of a mate of mine that lives down in NJ and he sent me this picture of a strange looking truck that was parked on Route 206 last night when he was walking his Artic Wolf at midnight:

Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736213063871-a

At first he thought it was the moon in the background, but then he noticed something disturbing about his wolf. It wasn't howling at it. Turns out it wasn't the moon, but something far more sinister, but the wolf just didn't care anymore, and had given up on howling.

Just like Dingos gave up on barking when our Aboriginal ancestors went on their first Dreamwalk under Wodiparri in the Manhattan of Mutitjulu. :ROFLMAO:


Anyways I thought it would be fun to see if I could prompt Grok into creating some diagrams to visually represent what I have been trying to present here.

Although not perfect, I suppose you can get the gist of it.

Truck sits on the ground with a 100kW generator onboard, uses phased array antenna to transmit radiowave energy to the plasma ball, that acts like a plasma antenna, and absorbs the energy to sustain it's plasma form and emits light.

Lets add some diagrams from Wikipedia's wireless energy transfer:


Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] Wireless power wiki

Functionally it is the same as this, on the ground side you have a generator as a power source, a high frequency transmitter consisting of conventional electronics, and a phased array or beamforming antenna.

In the air you have the same thing, except that the plasma itself is all three of the components on the right, being the antenna (RF conductive material), receiver (oscillator) and load (Photon emissions - light).

Now if some of you want to argue the inverse square law, then consider that if operating in near field, where the antenna apertures is larger than the wavelength, then this is not beholden to the inverse square rule yet and there are modes where it doesn't apply, and despite this the power levels to sustain it would likely be low anyway. With microwaves this can be kilometres and why beamforming/phased array is necessary, not only to control the objects motion in the sky by projecting an energy beam for it to follow.

Here some info on how phase array/beam forming works on Starlink:
(Maybe this is the Cybertruck link to the story?)

Obviously Starlink is not the only communications tech that uses beam forming, in fact it's possible your home wifi router has it in the form of MIMO.

But more interestingly perhaps is that 5G cell phone towers use beamforming, and also have decent coverage across the world and even decent power levels. Now imagine if these things were just the result of some rogue malware running on the mobile network, (or Starlink?) and hijacking the hardware to do a light show.... :oops:

Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] 1736220395565-dx

In other news I saw this posted on X today, which apparently is a copy of one of the emails which would confirm the plasma ball thesis to some degree that we have been discussing for a while:

Tesla Cybertruck Cybertruck explosion in Las Vegas; terrorism investigation underway [ADMIN WARNING: NO POLITICS] plasmoid email
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Common forum courtesy would be to start a separate thread for off topic plasma talk since it has nothing to do with this thread.
Did you read the email above in my last post, apparently from the CT driver involved, specifically mentioning plasma?

Relevance is that this subject is what he wanted to inform people about.

Now you can dispute that some secrets should be kept secret and why you think so, but you can't argue it's not relevant to the motives of those involved, and the information that might be meaningful for others that are interested in what he had to say.

Note I'm only discussing this in detail, because its relevant and a interesting topic, and if people could get over themselves a bit, maybe it is a little bit informative, and if not that, then it is entertaining to watch peoples responses, because most simply don't have a clue and dismiss everything off hand, and don't spend a brain cycle to consider some details at all.

So thank you for participating in the entertainment portion of the program!


I suppose it's interesting that people are so familiar and saturated by such experiences that they literally shut off and don't except any new information, even if it might be valid.
Seems to be a good technique to keep things off the discussion boards.

But hey it's still producing a thousand reads a day, so maybe it's still interesting to someone out there that is just too shy to participate?
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The ramblings of a suicidal mentally unstable person don't necessarily require detailed analysis but you've taken it even farther afield from his writings. People are probably checking this thread for some rational information about the incident which you are failing to provide. Again, why not start a separate thread dedicated to this topic you seem so passionate about and see how many views it gets?


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The ramblings of a suicidal mentally unstable person don't necessarily require detailed analysis but you've taken it even farther afield from his writings. People are probably checking this thread for some rational information about the incident which you are failing to provide. Again, why not start a separate thread dedicated to this topic you seem so passionate about and see how many views it gets?
Can you tell me how I did that, and how you came to that conclusion, I'd like to know at what point "rational" left my dialogue? I expect you aren't familiar to the topic and so you can't express why you think so? The topic can't easily be communicated in short hand.

I also wasn't aware that the investigation had been concluded and that it was beyond doubt that what he said had no relevance to the events that occurred.

Provide sources to substantiate your conclusions, like I have tried to do.

Cyber Man

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Did you read the email above in my last post, apparently from the CT driver involved, specifically mentioning plasma?

Relevance is that this subject is what he wanted to inform people about.

Now you can dispute that some secrets should be kept secret and why you think so, but you can't argue it's not relevant to the motives of those involved, and the information that might be meaningful for others that are interested in what he had to say.

Note I'm only discussing this in detail, because its relevant and a interesting topic, and if people could get over themselves a bit, maybe it is a little bit informative, and if not that, then it is entertaining to watch peoples responses, because most simply don't have a clue and dismiss everything off hand, and don't spend a brain cycle to consider some details at all.

So thank you for participating in the entertainment portion of the program!


I suppose it's interesting that people are so familiar and saturated by such experiences that they literally shut off and don't except any new information, even if it might be valid.
Seems to be a good technique to keep things off the discussion boards.

But hey it's still producing a thousand reads a day, so maybe it's still interesting to someone out there that is just too shy to participate?
I think what would help the readers of this thread is to tie back your findings to the manifesto. Are you implying that plasma ball effect can be used to create an optical illusion, and you believe that the manifesto is a hoax, or are you saying itā€™s possible to actually build real anti-gravity drones using plasma lightning? All this time I thought it was the latter and gave my counter arguments, but now I think you are implying the former.

Even after reading so much technical content posted by you, itā€™s not clear to me on what your conclusion is. Scientific technical posts generally have a conclusion to give readers a summary. Whatā€™s your main point that connects all these things to the manifesto? What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that the manifesto is a hoax or fact? If itā€™s neither, then this thread is not the right place to post technicalities or feasibility of plasma lightning or biogas generators, as none of these are connecting dots to the Las Vegas incident. Please donā€™t say it doesnā€™t matter. It absolutely matters for this thread. Itā€™s like playing rock music at a funeral because you like rock music and donā€™t care what others think. If you can prove that the rock music is connected to the person who died, and the personā€™s last wish was for someone to play rock music at his or her funeral, then the dots are connected. Context matters!
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I think what would help the readers of this thread is to tie back your findings to the manifesto. Are you implying that plasma ball effect can be used to create an optical illusion, and you believe that the manifesto is a hoax, or are you saying itā€™s possible to actually build real anti-gravity drones using plasma lightning? All this time I thought it was the latter and gave my counter arguments, but now I think you are implying the former.

Even after reading so much technical content posted by you, itā€™s not clear to me on what your conclusion is. Scientific technical posts generally have a conclusion to give readers a summary. Whatā€™s your main point that connects all these things to the manifesto? What are you trying to prove? Are you trying to prove that the manifesto is a hoax or fact? If itā€™s neither, then this thread is not the right place to post technicalities or feasibility of plasma lightning or biogas generators, as none of these are connecting dots to the Las Vegas incident. Please donā€™t say it doesnā€™t matter. It absolutely matters for this thread. Itā€™s like playing rock music at a funeral because you like rock music and donā€™t care what others think. If you can prove that the rock music is connected to the person who died, and the personā€™s last wish was for someone to play rock music at his or her funeral, then the dots are connected. Context matters!
Hey Cyberman,

I'm sorry if my flamboyant presentation of the concepts appeared to be degrading the validity of the manifesto or peoples genuine interest.

I have not yet formed a conclusion to "if" the manifesto, or the proposed emails for that matter, are stating fact or are being intentionally misleading, or have technical creditability, nor if the author had a complete understanding of what he was talking about, or deliberately didn't give specifics etc.

My opinions about the "objects" observed were primarily formed prior to the Cybertruck event occurring, it's just that I presented them here and developed them further because of the connection in the manifesto.

I'm glad that you have recognised now that I have been talking about "plasmoids" merely as a "visual effect", rather than an actual physical vehicle. This avoids a whole bunch of "fringe science" that many find hard to swallow, especially energy constraints. I'm just interested in knowing how it "could potentially" work. I'm sure there's a bunch of things that would need solving, but I think the concept has merit to waste some brain cycles on.

My observations were based on my 14 point list above, and an effort to find the simplest explanation that fits that criteria based on what I know about RF and what was observed.

Now although this might sound like a bit of a disappointment, having a steerable super responsive plasma drone "light show" is in of itself not un-interesting nor unimportant.

The question simply is can the plasmoid affect real change in more solid forms of matter. For example can it be used as a placeable ignition source, or disrupt electronics, cause panic, blindness or burns, overwhelm weapon countermeasures etc etc. At a very high rate of repeatability and little to no cost. I'd have to say there is a high probability it could. That alone puts conventional kinetics at a major disadvantage.

Even just having this variation would likely have wide reaching implications.

Which would be in everyone's best interest.

Cyber Man

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Hey Cyberman,

I'm sorry if my flamboyant presentation of the concepts appeared to be degrading the validity of the manifesto or peoples genuine interest.

I have not yet formed a conclusion to "if" the manifesto, or the proposed emails for that matter, are stating fact or are being intentionally misleading, or have technical creditability, nor if the author had a complete understanding of what he was talking about, or deliberately didn't give specifics etc.

My opinions about the "objects" observed were primarily formed prior to the Cybertruck event occurring, it's just that I presented them here and developed them further because of the connection in the manifesto.

I'm glad that you have recognised now that I have been talking about "plasmoids" merely as a "visual effect", rather than an actual physical vehicle. This avoids a whole bunch of "fringe science" that many find hard to swallow, especially energy constraints. I'm just interested in knowing how it "could potentially" work. I'm sure there's a bunch of things that would need solving, but I think the concept has merit to waste some brain cycles on.

My observations were based on my 14 point list above, and an effort to find the simplest explanation that fits that criteria based on what I know about RF and what was observed.

Now although this might sound like a bit of a disappointment, having a steerable super responsive plasma drone "light show" is in of itself not un-interesting nor unimportant.

The question simply is can the plasmoid affect real change in more solid forms of matter. For example can it be used as a placeable ignition source, or disrupt electronics, cause panic, blindness or burns, overwhelm weapon countermeasures etc etc. At a very high rate of repeatability and little to no cost. I'd have to say there is a high probability it could. That alone puts conventional kinetics at a major disadvantage.

Even just having this variation would likely have wide reaching implications.

Which would be in everyone's best interest.
Thanks JB! I definitely see where you are coming from. There are several leading theories for the mysterious sightings. Plasma lightning is one of them, especially because it matches to some of the anecdotal feedback from people who have experienced UFO sightings. They have mentioned humming sound, smelling certain compounds, brightness, insane acceleration, etc. These could be residue effect of ions. Hereā€™s another cool video from Plasma Channel that talks about quasi-stable levitation, which has some great implications -

Anyway, since we havenā€™t made any conclusions on the manifesto, itā€™s safe to say these scientific discussions are merely for pondering thoughts and entertain. Iā€™ll continue to watch the news to see what authorities find out on the Las Vegas incident.

