If there are such measures in place, it's far more likely that power gets curtailed due to batteries reaching a dangerous temperature, rather than doing so because of hot weather, steepness of climb, or whether you're towing. Besides, no one with any sense would buy a cybertruck (or any electric [passenger] vehicle) for towing heavy loads for long distances. The torque is there, but range gets cut down to a third. Just plain foolish to not use an ICE truck for long distance heavy towing purposes. It doesn't seem people's thought process gets them this far to realize this.I predict the CT will curtail power up long grades when towing to prevent overheating in hot weather.
So all you Beast owners that plan on smoking ICE up the sustained grades, contain your gloating now.Plus your battery consumption will be insane doing 80 up a 6% grade.
Yes I assumed that the limited ability to lose the heat from the motors/controllers/and batteries from a sustained high speed climb would trigger the curtailment.If there are such measures in place, it's far more likely that power gets curtailed due to batteries reaching a dangerous temperature, rather than doing so because of hot weather, steepness of climb, or whether you're towing. Besides, no one with any sense would buy a cybertruck (or any electric [passenger] vehicle) for towing heavy loads for long distances. The torque is there, but range gets cut down to a third. Just plain foolish to not use an ICE truck for long distance heavy towing purposes. It doesn't seem people's thought process gets them this far to realize this.
The Tesla semi truck is a different situation all together. It is not designed for cornering, or for acceleration, among other things, so weight reduction wasn't much of an engineering consideration, in fact, more mass is your friend when you're towing something heavy behind you. So, a huge battery pack for this product is good, for the reasons above...and necessary to get the high range required.