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Jun 3, 2024
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So now since FSD came out, decided to make a quick trip down and back to visit some relatives.

I utilized FSD for about 97% of the trip.

1,184 miles with 460 kWh for 388Wh/Mi on mostly highway driving over 47 hours so not bad.

Charging was simple once i charged just a little extra at the first stop. They had me arriving with 4% each stop, but that in my book is unacceptable so i just stayed a few minutes longer to make sure i had a small buffer. It wasn't to 80% for the charging either for each stop, just enough to get me to the next charge point they decided.

Drove with FSD whenever practical. Those non practical times i disengaged it because it really pissed me off until we were out of those situations.

Some of the things that forced me to disengage (in no order):
1. Following too closely - at 70mph it was literally 25 feet from the car in front of me flying down the highway and imho there is no way i can stop in time.
2. Racing up to the car in front of me and then applying the brakes too strongly (us going 70, them going 55). This happened numerous times and even ran up to a car at a stop light pretty aggressively to the point everything in the backseat was slammed to the ground as we ground to a halt. Doesn't happen all the time but I have noticed in TACC that this never happens and it utilizes regen breaking and the brakes at a consistent manner to make sure itā€™s not slamming on the brakes.
3. In WV there are some winding highway roads that have a 70mph speed, but they tell you to take the roads at 45 because the curves are too tight. FSD didnt care and tries numerous times to take the curve at full speed. It would do this and then either ride the line or just go over the line about a foot into the shoulder/other lane. The G-forces would literally hold me into the door! Totally unacceptable especially if there was another car there or lord forbid rocks/cliff/barriers etc....
4. FSD i would say 60% of the time manages to stay in the middle of the lane. The other times it loves to hug one of the sides (never went over the line unless the curve was too sharp though). This is stressing because other drivers tend to do the same thing or just start to vere into your lane during a curve and you dont have much time to react.
5. We all know truckers out there are tired and overworked and sometimes have trouble staying in their own lanes during curves and even straight aways. Overtaking a Semi on a tight curve is usually a no no as they can never seem to stay in their own lane. CT FSD didnt care at all and would sometimes hug the line next to the semi. Came way too close too many times in even little curves and some straight aways so if i had to pass some Semi's I manually did it. I usually get to the opposite side and then speed up to quickly pass once safe.
6. Speed limits - I dont think FSD knows what that would is. It says natural flow on their let the CT decide mode but many times i was the slowest car on the road or i was going 69mph in a 55. You can speed it up by pressing the gas but slowing down is impossible unless you disengage or step on the break thereby breaking fsd. (refer back to racing up to cars in front and riding their tale)
7. Road Rage - sometimes you don't want to honk to save cam data when an idiot does something to avoid pissing him off even more so remember how to save it in case you need it later.
8. Speeders - they are out there. With FSD going 68 in a 70 in the middle lane it choose to turn into the right lane to make a turn. Unfortunately some idiot doing 90 was flying down the right lane as the CT FSD started to move over. The turn was safe imho but the cameras that were detecting these vehicles around me didnā€™t know that one vehicle was moving at a larger speed and would cause an unsafe situation? Apparently not, I didn't get hit but he quickly got over to the middle lane and then quickly cut me off in retaliation.
9. Wipers cleaning with fluid or without during FSD. Still have not found any data on this but apparently it happens even if your windshield is perfectly clean...
10. Mirrored sunglasses will work but FSD doesn't really like them depending on the angle of the sun
11. Still having issues with 4 way flashing red lights

Overall it was a great trip minus the issues above. Great wh/mi with 388 wh/mi during the trip. Plenty of interaction at stops with people asking questions and if i built it myself lol. No bad interactions im happy to say.

Just took 1 day 750 mile trip and I agree with this post 110%ā€¦FSD exceeds speed limits to the point where youā€™d get a ticket (and interestingly barks at you when you do exceed it), tailgates incessantly, and basically doesnā€™t in any way regard there are idiots on the road, so zero anticipatory leeway.

Also noted that when you come up on speed limit signs like ā€œ40 Minimum speedā€ and you have FSD, it will slow down immediately which is a huge risk of getting rear endedā€¦it happened every.single.time from FL to TN.

It also needs a feature to keep you in the lane and use cruise control, so you can at least adjust the speed. My old Hyundai had thisā€¦inexplicable why my CB doesnā€™t.



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Please do, I can't get any consistency out of this like I was on my 22MS with v11 .-.

The lane selection was awful in v11, literally would move over into the opposite lanes before a turn. So this is "better" but still not that great. I'm assuming it's due to the new highway stack because v11 on the highway didn't have the same issue (I sold my 22MS the day I got v12 on it so I didn't get to test it sadly to compare the two)
Here are my FSD settings:
Please do, I can't get any consistency out of this like I was on my 22MS with v11 .-.

The lane selection was awful in v11, literally would move over into the opposite lanes before a turn. So this is "better" but still not that great. I'm assuming it's due to the new highway stack because v11 on the highway didn't have the same issue (I sold my 22MS the day I got v12 on it so I didn't get to test it sadly to compare the two)
Here are my FSD settings:

Tesla Cybertruck FSD Test: 1,184 miles and wh/mi efficiency over 2 days on Cybertruck Dual Motor 1728441748146-2d

Tesla Cybertruck FSD Test: 1,184 miles and wh/mi efficiency over 2 days on Cybertruck Dual Motor 1728441813388-z4


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Just took 1 day 750 mile trip and I agree with this post 110%ā€¦FSD exceeds speed limits to the point where youā€™d get a ticket (and interestingly barks at you when you do exceed it), tailgates incessantly, and basically doesnā€™t in any way regard there are idiots on the road, so zero anticipatory leeway.

Also noted that when you come up on speed limit signs like ā€œ40 Minimum speedā€ and you have FSD, it will slow down immediately which is a huge risk of getting rear endedā€¦it happened every.single.time from FL to TN.

It also needs a feature to keep you in the lane and use cruise control, so you can at least adjust the speed. My old Hyundai had thisā€¦inexplicable why my CB doesnā€™t.
This lends me to believe we're on different fsd paths or something
1) mine will never speed, at best I get the speed limit and I typically have to force it. Sees speed limit increase? Nada.
2) keeps massively behind people, to the point it pisses others off and I have to force it closer
3) haven't noticed this slamming on the breaks either.

I literally have the opposite issues as you šŸ¤£

Here are my FSD settings:

Here are my FSD settings:


Yup I have the same setup! Still doesn't want to go the speed limit or my set +5


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This lends me to believe we're on different fsd paths or something
1) mine will never speed, at best I get the speed limit and I typically have to force it. Sees speed limit increase? Nada.
2) keeps massively behind people, to the point it pisses others off and I have to force it closer
3) haven't noticed this slamming on the breaks either.

I literally have the opposite issues as you šŸ¤£

Yup I have the same setup! Still doesn't want to go the speed limit or my set +5
Totally agree and I am having the same experience. I have to force it to even get to the speed limit. I have tried both modes and it drives like Miss Daisy is in the back seat and weā€™re headed to Sunday mass. I donā€™t get it. Hearing the experiences of others where it is exceeding the speed limit in excess of 10mph is the opposite of what I am experiencing. Mine usually runs 10mph slower than the posted limit. Even if I set the limit 30mph over the posted limit.
Donā€™t get me wrong. Other than the turtle-like acceleration and driving behavior, FSD has worked without issue. I can leave work, press a button with NAV set to home and not touch a thing until I reach my driveway. Albeit, at a much later time than I would get there


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Oct 3, 2020
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Western Washington, USA
Cybertruck DM, 2010 F-150, 2018 Performance Model 3, 2024 Performance Model 3
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So now since FSD came out, decided to make a quick trip down and back to visit some relatives.

I utilized FSD for about 97% of the trip.

1,184 miles with 460 kWh for 388Wh/Mi on mostly highway driving over 47 hours so not bad.

Charging was simple once i charged just a little extra at the first stop. They had me arriving with 4% each stop, but that in my book is unacceptable so i just stayed a few minutes longer to make sure i had a small buffer. It wasn't to 80% for the charging either for each stop, just enough to get me to the next charge point they decided.

Drove with FSD whenever practical. Those non practical times i disengaged it because it really pissed me off until we were out of those situations.

Some of the things that forced me to disengage (in no order):
1. Following too closely - at 70mph it was literally 25 feet from the car in front of me flying down the highway and imho there is no way i can stop in time.
2. Racing up to the car in front of me and then applying the brakes too strongly (us going 70, them going 55). This happened numerous times and even ran up to a car at a stop light pretty aggressively to the point everything in the backseat was slammed to the ground as we ground to a halt. Doesn't happen all the time but I have noticed in TACC that this never happens and it utilizes regen breaking and the brakes at a consistent manner to make sure itā€™s not slamming on the brakes.
3. In WV there are some winding highway roads that have a 70mph speed, but they tell you to take the roads at 45 because the curves are too tight. FSD didnt care and tries numerous times to take the curve at full speed. It would do this and then either ride the line or just go over the line about a foot into the shoulder/other lane. The G-forces would literally hold me into the door! Totally unacceptable especially if there was another car there or lord forbid rocks/cliff/barriers etc....
4. FSD i would say 60% of the time manages to stay in the middle of the lane. The other times it loves to hug one of the sides (never went over the line unless the curve was too sharp though). This is stressing because other drivers tend to do the same thing or just start to vere into your lane during a curve and you dont have much time to react.
5. We all know truckers out there are tired and overworked and sometimes have trouble staying in their own lanes during curves and even straight aways. Overtaking a Semi on a tight curve is usually a no no as they can never seem to stay in their own lane. CT FSD didnt care at all and would sometimes hug the line next to the semi. Came way too close too many times in even little curves and some straight aways so if i had to pass some Semi's I manually did it. I usually get to the opposite side and then speed up to quickly pass once safe.
6. Speed limits - I dont think FSD knows what that would is. It says natural flow on their let the CT decide mode but many times i was the slowest car on the road or i was going 69mph in a 55. You can speed it up by pressing the gas but slowing down is impossible unless you disengage or step on the break thereby breaking fsd. (refer back to racing up to cars in front and riding their tale)
7. Road Rage - sometimes you don't want to honk to save cam data when an idiot does something to avoid pissing him off even more so remember how to save it in case you need it later.
8. Speeders - they are out there. With FSD going 68 in a 70 in the middle lane it choose to turn into the right lane to make a turn. Unfortunately some idiot doing 90 was flying down the right lane as the CT FSD started to move over. The turn was safe imho but the cameras that were detecting these vehicles around me didnā€™t know that one vehicle was moving at a larger speed and would cause an unsafe situation? Apparently not, I didn't get hit but he quickly got over to the middle lane and then quickly cut me off in retaliation.
9. Wipers cleaning with fluid or without during FSD. Still have not found any data on this but apparently it happens even if your windshield is perfectly clean...
10. Mirrored sunglasses will work but FSD doesn't really like them depending on the angle of the sun
11. Still having issues with 4 way flashing red lights

Overall it was a great trip minus the issues above. Great wh/mi with 388 wh/mi during the trip. Plenty of interaction at stops with people asking questions and if i built it myself lol. No bad interactions im happy to say.

That's a 1,184 mile trip consumption equal to the EPA City/Hwy average (assuming you have the OEM AT tires with aero wheel covers). And that's a lifetime average of 1,631 miles that betters the EPA CTY/HWY average by a significant amount.

I wish there weren't YouTube haters trying to pretend like Tesla exaggerated the real world range. My experience has informed me that the stated ranges are slightly conservative, if one drives in a reasonable manner with the flow of traffic (that isn't going 80 mph). Anyone who acts like the stated range should represent a constant 80 mph cruising speed is trying to create a problem that never existed until they reinterpreted what EPA range should represent.


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Oct 3, 2020
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Western Washington, USA
Cybertruck DM, 2010 F-150, 2018 Performance Model 3, 2024 Performance Model 3
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Thank you for taking the time to write this. In my Model Y I had a similar experience, and Tesla nav keep wanting to get me to to the next charger with single digit battery percentages, I did the same thing as you and over charged each time. I wish this was a configurable behavior.

In my case I was traveling through the desert at 100Ā°-115Ā°. From Houston, to San Diego is 25 hours of mostly uninhabited desert. There was no chance I was risking running out of battery and AC with my family in the car.
I haven't used Tesla Nav with Superchargers yet in my Cybertuck, but in my Model 3 Performance I disliked the way it would always route me to arrive at the next Supercharger with around 15-20% SOC, I would have preferred a high single digit number (for the faster charging speeds it would produce). I would just unplug early if I was ready to go. Most of the time I wasn't, LOL!

The low SOC arrival numbers aren't a problem if there is a Supercharger between you and your next planned stop. If you consume more energy than planned, you can always get a quick unplanned top-up along the way. If the remaining state of charge starts to look like a problem when there are no more Superchargers between you and your planned charge spot you can simply slow down by 5 mph. That is almost always enough to reach your charger without worry. If not, slow down 10 mph. My point is, you can always make it without doing something difficult or devastating to your trip planning.

The certainty that you can always make it, even when environmental conditions conspire against you, simply by slowing down 5-10 mph, should remove any anxiety some people may feel. It ain't rocket science, it should be common sense.


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Oct 3, 2020
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Western Washington, USA
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the Nav system can be wrong too. On our way home from Denver last July we were charging in Pendleton, OR at the casino with our ā€˜destinationā€™ being the Hood River SC. I donā€™t recall the SoC when it gave us the ā€˜go to goā€™ notification, however, while driving 75, we hit a serious headwind that was coming up the Columbia River and got a notification that we needed to stop at the Dalles SC before continuing on to Hood River.

I thought the nav system was supposed to considering weather in itā€™s algorithm, but in this case it didnā€™t work. Also, we drove 75-80 the entire trip but this was the only stretch where we experienced this issue.
The navigation system does consider current weather conditions but sometimes the actual weather differs from the projected weather and the Columbia Gorge can have wind extremes that are particularly susceptible to small changes in wind direction.

Fortunately, the Tesla nav alerted you in time to make an unplanned charging stop. I bet it was pretty brief.


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Aug 27, 2020
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This lends me to believe we're on different fsd paths or something
1) mine will never speed, at best I get the speed limit and I typically have to force it. Sees speed limit increase? Nada.
2) keeps massively behind people, to the point it pisses others off and I have to force it closer
3) haven't noticed this slamming on the breaks either.

I literally have the opposite issues as you šŸ¤£

Yup I have the same setup! Still doesn't want to go the speed limit or my set +5
I donā€™t have a clear picture of how FSD actually works, but perhaps, during this Early Build phase, Tesla is somehow testing some variations of parameter sets that differ among us users even though the loaded code is the same. Certainly my truck running FSD is performing differently in many ways than others have reported.


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Feb 14, 2024
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So now since FSD came out, decided to make a quick trip down and back to visit some relatives.

I utilized FSD for about 97% of the trip.

1,184 miles with 460 kWh for 388Wh/Mi on mostly highway driving over 47 hours so not bad.

Charging was simple once i charged just a little extra at the first stop. They had me arriving with 4% each stop, but that in my book is unacceptable so i just stayed a few minutes longer to make sure i had a small buffer. It wasn't to 80% for the charging either for each stop, just enough to get me to the next charge point they decided.

Drove with FSD whenever practical. Those non practical times i disengaged it because it really pissed me off until we were out of those situations.

Some of the things that forced me to disengage (in no order):
1. Following too closely - at 70mph it was literally 25 feet from the car in front of me flying down the highway and imho there is no way i can stop in time.
2. Racing up to the car in front of me and then applying the brakes too strongly (us going 70, them going 55). This happened numerous times and even ran up to a car at a stop light pretty aggressively to the point everything in the backseat was slammed to the ground as we ground to a halt. Doesn't happen all the time but I have noticed in TACC that this never happens and it utilizes regen breaking and the brakes at a consistent manner to make sure itā€™s not slamming on the brakes.
3. In WV there are some winding highway roads that have a 70mph speed, but they tell you to take the roads at 45 because the curves are too tight. FSD didnt care and tries numerous times to take the curve at full speed. It would do this and then either ride the line or just go over the line about a foot into the shoulder/other lane. The G-forces would literally hold me into the door! Totally unacceptable especially if there was another car there or lord forbid rocks/cliff/barriers etc....
4. FSD i would say 60% of the time manages to stay in the middle of the lane. The other times it loves to hug one of the sides (never went over the line unless the curve was too sharp though). This is stressing because other drivers tend to do the same thing or just start to vere into your lane during a curve and you dont have much time to react.
5. We all know truckers out there are tired and overworked and sometimes have trouble staying in their own lanes during curves and even straight aways. Overtaking a Semi on a tight curve is usually a no no as they can never seem to stay in their own lane. CT FSD didnt care at all and would sometimes hug the line next to the semi. Came way too close too many times in even little curves and some straight aways so if i had to pass some Semi's I manually did it. I usually get to the opposite side and then speed up to quickly pass once safe.
6. Speed limits - I dont think FSD knows what that would is. It says natural flow on their let the CT decide mode but many times i was the slowest car on the road or i was going 69mph in a 55. You can speed it up by pressing the gas but slowing down is impossible unless you disengage or step on the break thereby breaking fsd. (refer back to racing up to cars in front and riding their tale)
7. Road Rage - sometimes you don't want to honk to save cam data when an idiot does something to avoid pissing him off even more so remember how to save it in case you need it later.
8. Speeders - they are out there. With FSD going 68 in a 70 in the middle lane it choose to turn into the right lane to make a turn. Unfortunately some idiot doing 90 was flying down the right lane as the CT FSD started to move over. The turn was safe imho but the cameras that were detecting these vehicles around me didnā€™t know that one vehicle was moving at a larger speed and would cause an unsafe situation? Apparently not, I didn't get hit but he quickly got over to the middle lane and then quickly cut me off in retaliation.
9. Wipers cleaning with fluid or without during FSD. Still have not found any data on this but apparently it happens even if your windshield is perfectly clean...
10. Mirrored sunglasses will work but FSD doesn't really like them depending on the angle of the sun
11. Still having issues with 4 way flashing red lights

Overall it was a great trip minus the issues above. Great wh/mi with 388 wh/mi during the trip. Plenty of interaction at stops with people asking questions and if i built it myself lol. No bad interactions im happy to say.

You definitely did not get the worst of it with interventions.

In Colorado on interstates it wanted to go from 70-75 mph speed limit to 30-45 for no reason.


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Feb 14, 2024
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I've posted about this in another thread. It's not showing yet as I seem to be in post embargo by the moderators (I don't know nor warned about any infraction).

Email to [email protected] or use voice command after you did an intervention (only did it once as it seems dangerous with the distraction while driving).
Youā€™ll get used to pressing that button. I did it quite a bit with my X loaner but youā€™re right it is a bit of a distraction especially if youā€™ve intervened after a hairy moment. Kinda hard to hit the button every time but Iā€™m thinking if you hit the button and note what happened their data labelers might bump it to a higher priority to sort out what was going on and that helps with the model.


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Feb 14, 2024
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Just took 1 day 750 mile trip and I agree with this post 110%ā€¦FSD exceeds speed limits to the point where youā€™d get a ticket (and interestingly barks at you when you do exceed it), tailgates incessantly, and basically doesnā€™t in any way regard there are idiots on the road, so zero anticipatory leeway.

Also noted that when you come up on speed limit signs like ā€œ40 Minimum speedā€ and you have FSD, it will slow down immediately which is a huge risk of getting rear endedā€¦it happened every.single.time from FL to TN.

It also needs a feature to keep you in the lane and use cruise control, so you can at least adjust the speed. My old Hyundai had thisā€¦inexplicable why my CB doesnā€™t.
We should eventually get autopilot only like the other models so youā€™re not forced to use FSD.

The two modes currently should also evolve into what the other models have which is preferences on driving aggressiveness. Currently itā€™s just a mixed bag of either very manual speed adjustments (pedal plus scroll wheel) to coax the correct behavior or unpredictable speeding with the auto offset.


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Jun 3, 2024
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You definitely did not get the worst of it with interventions.

In Colorado on interstates it wanted to go from 70-75 mph speed limit to 30-45 for no reason.
Mine did this on FSD through GA but almost 100% of the time when there was a ā€œMinimum Speed 40ā€ signā€¦at first I thought it was because it was seeing old construction or fog but then I noticed it suddenly cut speed and it was always when I passed one of these signs.


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Jun 3, 2024
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This lends me to believe we're on different fsd paths or something
1) mine will never speed, at best I get the speed limit and I typically have to force it. Sees speed limit increase? Nada.
2) keeps massively behind people, to the point it pisses others off and I have to force it closer
3) haven't noticed this slamming on the breaks either.

I literally have the opposite issues as you šŸ¤£

Yup I have the same setup! Still doesn't want to go the speed limit or my set +5
Iā€˜ll have to double check my settings but I have mine on ā€™absoluteā€™ and ā€™early collisionā€™ warning.

The thing that I found (sort of) funny was the speed limit would be 70, it would go up to 71 (before it creeped up to 80) then it would bark at me and Iā€™d get a nasty gram on the screen saying ā€˜heyā€¦youā€™re speedingā€™. To which I wanted to reply, ā€œwhat the heckā€¦youā€™re the one doing it!ā€


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I donā€™t have a clear picture of how FSD actually works, but perhaps, during this Early Build phase, Tesla is somehow testing some variations of parameter sets that differ among us users even though the loaded code is the same. Certainly my truck running FSD is performing differently in many ways than others have reported.
I've been using fsd for years and have never seen this much difference between driving styles. I know they're struggling to find "the best" version now days because of the NN setup, and I also recall reading an article they run a/b testing in the background. So I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if we're all on slight variations.

Iā€˜ll have to double check my settings but I have mine on ā€™absoluteā€™ and ā€™early collisionā€™ warning.

The thing that I found (sort of) funny was the speed limit would be 70, it would go up to 71 (before it creeped up to 80) then it would bark at me and Iā€™d get a nasty gram on the screen saying ā€˜heyā€¦youā€™re speedingā€™. To which I wanted to reply, ā€œwhat the heckā€¦youā€™re the one doing it!ā€
Ai getting mad at ai šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


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Dec 31, 2023
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The certainty that you can always make it, even when environmental conditions conspire against you, simply by slowing down 5-10 mph, should remove any anxiety some people may feel. It ain't rocket science, it should be common sense.
Yup, slowing down and reducing the AC are easy ways to get to the next charger no problem, and I did that when I thought it was needed.

But when you are driving 3 days in a row, the name of the game is Go Fast, Charge Hard!

