Text for future searches:
Cyberbeast features a rear drive unit with
producing a combined 845 HP.
- dual induction machines,
- active torque vectoring and
- an electro- mechanical, front-locking differential
Text for future searches:
Cyberbeast features a rear drive unit with
producing a combined 845 HP.
- dual induction machines,
- active torque vectoring and
- an electro- mechanical, front-locking differential
FYI, Tesla has used a combination of Induction and Permanent motors. I have to Induction on my current TMX. My kids Tesla have a mixture. I think the Permanent motors were allowing AP/FSD an easier way to come to a complete stop as one side benefit. Mine will not.NOTE - Beast versions are induction machines, ie. induction motors and NOT RPM (rare-earth Permanent Magnet) motors. This is a leap over other Tesla vehicles as those are RPM.
Cybertruck is truly revolutionary!!
Thanks to JBee for his in depth discussion on this forum here:
I've been a lurker on this site for months in anticipation of this day.. I just want to thank everyone for their insights and very detailed discussions about Cybertruck. It has been an exciting and educational journey.
Any hints on torque compared to the plaid drivetrain?correct. Not a plaid unit.
geared for torqueim curious why they gave it less power than the plaid
It will have a diff anywhere that there's a motor. You might mean that the dual motor has a locking diff on both front and back. That's true based on the comment by Drew BaglinoI heard somewhere that the dual motor has both front and rear diff
Updated my chart to add the CTFYI, Tesla has used a combination of Induction and Permanent motors. I have to Induction on my current TMX. My kids Tesla have a mixture. I think the Permanent motors were allowing AP/FSD an easier way to come to a complete stop as one side benefit. Mine will not.
As a Niner fan, I approve this message.They better damn well hire Marshawn Lynch for any marketing! He is Beast Mode!!!